OSP Communications - The Billing Resource
Collect call billed to disconnected line

Education & Science

After reading most of the complaints online, I decided to file one myself. I've already filed with the BBB in Nevada and the FTC. I suspended my phone line for two months, not knowing if I was going to keep the number or not. While it was suspended. Stay with me here. The line was not working - a collect call, when I was out of town was charged to my phone for you guessed it, 10 minutes, from California - I live in Miami. When I decided to go with the local digital cable company, I closed my account with BellSouth (AT&T) and paid my bill off. Two weeks later in mid-January, I received a bill from AT&T for 8.95! WHen I called they said I had to call OSP to take care of this. Called OSP immediately and it was so weird - they didn;t ask any questions, gave me a "reference number" and sent me on my way. I even asked the rep. - who could barely speak English - don;t you want to know why I'm calling? Anyway, thought nothing of it until today, 2/15/08 and decided to call AT&T to make sure everything was cleared up. Not so much. The ignorant sales rep told me to call OSP. I reminded him that my service was suspended and he didn;t care. Called OSP again, got the same runaround that my bill would be cleared in 2-3 cycles. Couldn't even argue with the woman because she didn;t understand English. Tried to call the AT7T fraud department and they re-directed me back to Customer Sales. When I am not at work I will chew out an AT&T supervisor, but have already filed complaints with the FTC and Nevada BBB. The problem is I can;t even use the whole I'll change my service thing because I've already closed my account.

Company: OSP Communications - The Billing Resource
Country: USA
State: Nevada
City: Henderson
Phone: 8774915506
Site: www.thebillingresource.com
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Daisy Duck
OSP Communications, AT&T SCAM from The Billing Resource & OSP Communications

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