Modeling agency for Babies deceptive cunning ripoff company

Education & Science

They cunningly fool eager parents into believing that their kids might be future stars and commands a large fee upfront...

Company is allegedly trying to find modelling work for clients babies and commands a large fee up front ; sold / covered for on the guise that not everybody is going to get work... Clients are convinced to come from more well off areas of town and drive some 40 miles to facility. Hence they are less likely to return to ask for their money back.

Company works from a very official looking office in LA in not a bad area and goes to every length to convince clients that everything is legit. Suspicsion is raised by the mountain of very similar looking referal letters printed in the same font almost and the robotic but convincing sales pitch of two employees.

Clients are put in a playroom first of all and made very comfortable ; when called in to interview are told that they were on film whilst in waiting room.ccTVs are evident but there is no tape in them and are strategically in view of client.

Client is given flattering compliments regarding child and clients are made to feel good and hence depart with their money with ease. Clients are told agency doesnt reply by email and are given pagers which do not acept numerical messages.

Huntington beach, California

Company: Flashcast
Country: USA
State: California
City: Los Angeles
Address: 3575 Cahuenga Blvd West, LA
Phone: 3239699006
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Flashcast, www.FabulousFlashcast.com, Flashcast Kids, Carl Carranza, Fabulous Flashcast, Scammers
FabulousFlashcast.com Flashcast Carl Carranza Scam Fraud Con-Artist Criminal Flashcast, FabulousFlashcast.com, Flashcast Kids, Flashcast, Scammers Modeling Scam run by convicted criminal Carl Carranza

Empowerment USA Group - Charles MCgriff
Empowerment USA Group -Charles MCgriff fraud crooks liars scam artist

Model Mayhem Fake offices, Sales person owns an agency, Conflict of Interest, No true support

Flashcast, Fabulous Flashcast
Flashcast, fabulous flashcast not worth the $ - not helpful in the way they claim

Child Modeling SCAM

Support Kids
AKA Child Support Enforcement ripoff Strong arm tackticks and misrepresentations

Michael W. Johnson - Michael W. Johnson & Associates
Mjohnson. 9@comcast.net, mjohnson22, worked for him and he never paid

National Home Trainers, The Motivatios Network
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Fabulous Flashcast - Flashcast Kids - Carl Ken Carranza - Fabulousflashcast.com - Flashcastkids.com

Scooter's Fab Flashcast, Carl Carranza