Cbcs - Verizon
CBCS sent OUTRAGEOUS phony bill What does my deceased grandmother have anything to with it?

Education & Science

Tonight I received a bill from the "collection agency" CBCS stating I have a $224.35 Balance from an account with verizon. I have NO idea where they got my information or why they believe I owe them money. When I called the 800 number the automated voice system asked for my phone number which i wasn't about to give them so i just kept pressing 0 until an operator came on the line.

The VERY RUDE woman on the other end asked my account # when i told her she then verified my name and address. She then asked my source of income, my telephone number and my social security which I wouldn't give to her. But when she asked by name who my deceased grandmother was, I almost lost it! I started to say "she's my deceased..."but stopped myself and told her it was none of her business and demanded she explain this bill to me she said it was "very much her business" then asked who my grandmother was again... I finally hung up on her.

I DO NOT intend to send a dime to this company... They do not have my telephone number so at least they won't be calling my house and harassing my family. I have no idea what is going on. I saw other reports on this website about this particular company and honestly it doesn't seem like anything more than a scam.

Company: Cbcs - Verizon
Country: USA
State: Ohio
City: Columbus
Address: Po Box 163250
Phone: 8884130093
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Collections CBCS CBCS is a SCAM! They claim a non-existent debt to Verizon


Cbcs Collection Agency - Cbcs Collections
CBCS told me Verizon put me in collections and they needed a payment!

Verizon Bill? Columbus

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CBCS Collection
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"harass" "non-identifier" "demand account number" "demand phone number" "put on hold"

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