Great Expectations
Great Expectations - Great Big Ripoff

Education & Science

Save your money - this service cost me $3500.00 and I got nothing in return. I had an appointment and got the same sales job used car sales job that everyone else has gotten.

I signed a contract and gave them a check for $4500.00 - the so called 'director' what a joke called me in my car on the way home and was going to give me a great deal. She lowered the price to 3500.00 but required me to give her a credit card. The charge went thru that night.

I then got on the web and started to look around and to my dismay I found a great many horror stories. So I called the next day - I never was on their web site I never did anything with this company but when I asked for my money back they refused. I just did not want to do business with such sleazy people.

This Great Expectations is located just south of Charlotte NC in Fort Mill SC.
They are located there because SC does not have a 3 day right to rescission which means you can cancel a contract and get your money back. So this company is located in SC and they are praying on people in NC which does have a 3 day right of rescission law.

Long story short I am out $3500.00. At the time I had two children in college and their education was coming out of my pocket. Their father is deceased. I ask the assistant director how show looks at herself in the mirror knowing she is ripping people off, these people have no shame it seems this was OK with her.

Save Your Money and if you hear of anyone thinking about this group tell them to run.

Also if you see signs - the ones that are stuck on the side of the road in the medians or the grassy area between the sidewalk and the street that read:
(similar to where you would see political ads)

Datingin (put your city or neighborhood here).com

This is their advertising - rip the signs down they are an eye sore and not a legal way to advertize anything.

Company: Great Expectations
Country: USA
State: South Carolina
City: Fort Mill
Address: 985 Market St
Phone: 8033960400
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