Pinnacle Quest International (PQI)
PQI leaders are in PRISON Seattle, Florida, MLM All Over The US Panama, Cancun, Seattle, Florida, MLM all over the US

Education & Science

Run away!!! Don't be stupid like I was. I was broke and desperate to earn money, and wanted to do it from home, so I paid the $1250 to become a PQI consultant. The leaders of PQI (used to be called IGP, Global Prosperity, etc.) and all the people who speak on the conference calls are LIARS. The programs the PQI consultants sell (tax, debt elimination, credit repair, mortgage, Q2 sponsors, etc.) change every year (new names, but same old garbage), and they ALL fail. None of the programs work and the investments never pay out. I KNOW that people lie on the calls when they say how much they make. We all lied because it makes more people sign up and pay their consultants, who turn around and help you make sales too, by lying of course. We all claimed to be earning "6 figures". Some of the leaders would let their downline go to Q2 (off shore event) for pennies, because it gives the appearance they are earning $5000 per person attending. They sell HYIPs at the Q2 and Q3 events. Money is misteriously frozen on some of the crummy high yield investments they recommend. They put the blame back on you by saying it's up to you to make an educated decision, but the only research is through them. I went to Cancun, stayed at the Moon Palace, and many of us were sucked into the excitment and hype. They brain wash you to believe you will become wealthy in 2-5 years if you follow their turn-key system to financial freedom. Their training calls are very convincing, and even smart people get sucked in because it all sounds so fantastic. Even if it wasn't a huge SCAM, the leads finally run out and you cannot earn an income. Oh, they also are in bed with the Lead sources, and they sell you names of people who DO NOT want you to call them. Careful of the new spam laws too. It's just a shady group of people and they sound so nice and smart... Do not trust them!!!

Well, currently the leaders Dave Struckman and Nadine Griffin to name a few are in JAIL folks... They don't mention their leaders are in PRISON on the very professional sounding conference calls. Dave will be sentenced on March 3, and he could get 20 years and a fine of a million. He started the entire scheme along with two other "leaders" who are also currently in PRISON (Zo Lamantia and Dan Anderson). Do a Google search and you will find court documents. I bet Claudia Hermer, Robby Struckman, Dr Ellen (not a doctor) and others are next in line to go to jail. YOU could be next since the FBI and IRS attend the conference calls and the Q2 and Q3 events and they know everything and everyone involved, including the customer names. I KNOW what I'm talking about folks, and I knew these leaders very well. Google or go to / (search for Struckman) and you will learn the sad history of PQI, IMF Decoders, IRS Codebusters, all the different name changes they go through to hide for another year. One leader was captured in Costa Rica (long time ago), and Dave Struckman was captured in Panama where many of the rest like his brother Robby Struckman are still trying to hide. Most of the so called lawyers (no attorneys or lawyers, lies) are also in PRISON.

If you read the facts and still follow through with this corrupt group of people, then shame on you! It is unethical once you know the truth and still keep supporting them, paying them, and worse yet remain a consultant and accept money from other innocent and uninformed customers. I wasted over $12,000 and over two years of my life believing those liars. I was convinced the government and IRS were wrong and we deserved to fight for our rights, and become very rich. Blah blah. Now, I'm dead broke and in trouble with the IRS, and I feel stupid and used. Thousands of people are in the same boat. The experience has shaken me to the core and I cannot believe how I used to defend PQI and Dave Struckman. These people seem like your new best friends until you start catching on to what's really going on. Then they stop returning your calls. Of course, they can't talk to you from PRISON...

Again, NONE of the debt help, credit repair, tax elimination, investments, etc. Work! PQI and these programs they are in bed with are SCAMS. They are in business to take your money. RUN! You will feel better about yourself later on if you do not get involved with these people. Don't take money from innocent people!!! It's hard to live with later, and you will wind up too broke to give it back... Can't even face them out of embarasment once they realize you are not rich like they thought. The consultants who do make money finally lose it because PQI makes you feel like a loser if you don't take the next step, and the next... Right over the cliff as you make high return investments that misteriously shut disappear before your big pay off day.

PLEASE, I recently heard that PQI and the tax program (used to be IMF Decoder) are barely surviving, but people are still signing up and sending them money. STOP IT!!! Shut them down! A hand full of "leaders" get rich and the rest are suckers, wasting time and money and self respect.

Now you know the truth, so you can't say you don't know.

Company: Pinnacle Quest International (PQI)
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
Address: Multi Level - All Over
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LiAnn Larguier / Automated Money
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Rob Abrams AMM
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Rob Abrams AMM
LiAnn Larguier / Automated Money AMM, Dave Struckman, LiAnn in ID, Automated Money Machine SCAM, COMPLETE RIPOFF, Possible criminal, SPAM, do not call violators sandpoint, Idaho Confidence SCAM Rob Abrams AMM Automatic Money Machine Confidense SCAM

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