$4200 Scam for $200 worth of credit card processing equipment evil dirt bags

Education & Science

Beware of leasecomm.
After they lie to you to get you into one of their financial traps that you can't get out of, they will file false documents in court.

In 1999, Leasecomm financed a few hundred dollars worth of credit card processing equipment for a start-up business I was involved with. Although the business was incorporated, they modified the paperwork to list me as personal guarantor. Payments were to be automatic $25 per month from the corporate checking account. The business did not do well and 5 payments of $25 were missed.

I left the company in order to try and make a living elsewhere. Leasecomm never contacted me to inform me or the company about the missed payments or where to make payents to, until 6 months later when a collector showed up with a demand for $3200 which is what they considered the full life of the contract, although I was told I could cancel any time. I called long distance to Massachusetts several times to try to resolve the situation.

They refused to let me speak to any of their legal staff. They refused to let me return the unused equipment which was in my possession. They refused to accept payment for the missed payments and refused to negotiate anything less than the $3200. Next thing I knew, I was being suited. The Massachusetts court system which make a lot of money from them refused to allow my request for change of venue to North Carolina where the business was conducted. I could not afford to make a trip to Massachusetts to argue my case so they won.

I EVEN HAVE PROOF THAT LEASECOMM FILED FALSE DOCUMENTS WITH THE COURT. Their lawyers filed sworn statements to the court that they had informed me by mail that my request for a change of venue was argued and refused, when in reality, they held onto the mail until the scheduled court date. This gave them an automatic win!

I finally started to have some money in order to try and win the case. I hired an attorney in Massachusetts for $350 but he could not get the court to reopen the case.

The county sheriffs' deputies appeared one evening with a demand for all my earthly possessions if I did not appear at their office within 48 hours with $4200 which included interest.

Now, even though I paid $4200 last year, my credit report is still not corrected.

My advice to everyone is to request changes of venue, catch them in their lies, argue in court even in Massachusetts if you can possibly afford the trip, seek counterclaims
for damages, and take their corporate agents in the various states to small claims court. Keep notifying the BBB's, the state attorneys general, and the FTC due to it's practice of usery.
As for me personally, as soon as my credit report is cleaned up I will be free at last and do not care to battle them more than I have.
I pray God stops them from destroying other people financial lives.

Raleigh, North Carolina

Company: Leasecomm
Country: USA
State: Massachusetts
City: Waltham
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Leasecomm Corporation
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Leasecomm And David Taylor And Associates Collection Agency
David Taylor And Associates Collection Agency Leasecomm This Collection Agency is misrepresentinfg as an Attorneys Office

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E-Commerce, LeaseComm,
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Ripoff Woburn Massachusetts

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Leasecomm Corporation
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