8887126PASADENA CA Offered product for. 97 cents for shipping free trial for one week and may cancel with in 45 days. Ordered on 12-14 and on 1-7 charged me $49.41 and $19.95 for free porn movies Monrovia

Education & Science

Saw an ad on Tv for 97 cents you received a 7 day tril of sexual enhancement with 2 free pron movies. You had 45 days to cancel. Was ordered on 12/12/08. On 1/7/08 I was charged $49.41 plus $19.95 for movies that were suppose to be free without my persmission. I called on 1/8 to cancel but had already been charged. Got nowhere talking to this company. This put my checking account in the negative. This is a false advertisement! (The name that took the money out of my checking account was—SweetXTends— Pasadena, CA)

Company: Sweetxtends
Country: USA
State: California
City: Pasadena
Address: 401 E. Huntington Dr. Monrovia, California, 91016
Phone: 8002287314
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Biotab Nutriceuticals Inc
Ordered Male sexual Enhancement, got sample & Porn Movies we did NOT order!

BitVideo2, ZML.com
Zml.com stole money off my debit card

Consumer Report

Consumer Report

In2video.net - zml.com
In2video Ripped off by company!

Netflix, Inc
Can't decide if I like Netflix - dvd rentals

Extenze Aka BIOTAB Nutraceuticals INC
Extenze ignores attempt to cancel order

Big choice dvds - ZML.com
Said that for. 99 cents i could download movies and for a one day membership it would cost that much but instead decided to take out 57.54 out of my checking account! I did not even download movies

Ivory White
Consumer Report

They charged me $61 after I cancelled my membership