Number One Success System NOSS123
NOSS123 Ripped Open and Exposed From the Inside Out

Education & Science

I had the unfortunate experience of being recognized as one of the national leaders at NOSS123 ( also known as the Number One Success System. I have been a part of this organized crime for over 2 years, "making" as much as $7000 in one day... $10,000 weeks were very typical.

I recently sent a letter to the "head honcho" letting him know that I am throwing in the towel. This, by far, is one of the biggest frauds active on the worldwide web today!

Below is the letter that exposes it all.

Hello, "Family"

Since I am no longer an affiliate of Noss123, I am asking you of two things:

1. That you No Longer use me as an endorsement on your training calls, i.E., rebroadcast.
2. That you will erase my profile information in the back office. (Name, number, etc.)

I would have done the latter myself, but I do not have the access to do so.

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but gifting in the context that it is being presented here at Noss123 and all the other gifting programs is 100% illegal. To say the least, I feel both stupid and ignorant to have sat underneath lawyers and judges for several years and not have done my own due diligence when considering such an opportunity.

Well, I got a rude awakening a few weeks ago. Talk about a WAKE UP call! Sorry, but no shiploads of abundance is worth my livelihood, integrity and freedom. All are priceless. I am not willing to sacrifice neither one of them. I was challenged to take a walk down to my own attorney general's office to find out that this program falls under the category of a "pyramid scheme."

Sure, you boast about how there is no fat cat sitting up top and Blah, Blah, Blah (Or is there really a cat?) Makes you say, hmmm.

Contrary to popular belief, the law characterizes this organization as a pyramid scheme.

The law states and I'll put it in laymen's terms — that if there is a thoughtful consideration to join an activity/program, that has no products or renders no services, to increase your monies, and you must pay-in to become a member of this organized crime (web hosting fee, etc.) and it involves giving at least one or more other parties the exchange of money and — most importantly — the need to find MORE people to keep MORE money coming in, a pyramid scheme it is indeed.

Doesn't sound much like a gift to me at all, does it?

Understanding how a lawyer thinks, even if he didn't pursue or couldn't prove that I was, in fact, in a pyramid scheme, he could prosecute me on fraud, which is based on my intent. THIS is what sold me. Can we say, DUH for dummies?

Not one single time did a person send me 3500 bucks never expecting anything in return. No matter how crafty and eloquent you give your useless training on "Watching Your Intent" would it make one bit of difference. It's positively fruitless.

No one was ever thinking, "Here's $3500, Mal. I hope it enriches your household. Nice to have met you. Have a great day" as they give me their fedex tracking number with glee eager to carry on with their life. N-e-v-e-r! Now, that's what you call a gift.

Needless to say, my intent, just like everybody else involved, was ultimately fueled by the motivation to get out of my financial chaos while "giving the illusion" that I was helping somebody else.

Fraud defined, by the law, is a deception deliberately practiced to secure unfair or unlawful gain.

Another interesting factor is that your so-called gifting statements and non-solicitation forms do not have any merit. It means doodlee squat! Try presenting those things before a bar in court and you will do nothing more than incriminate yourself. It states right there under the pyramid law that "any contract binding or signed hereafter to are null and void" and will have no standing in court. The law is already onto it. They're 50 steps ahead.

Unfortunately, this is the most alarming part of it all. Several gifting programs, primarily NOSS, are being followed very closely, even as I type this email to you. It was very disturbing to know that they (Government) have a list of participants in their files.

While I was foolishly beating my chest with pride as to how we have been standing strong for over 5 years, the Government is waiting very patiently, gingerly piecing each particle together before the BIG SMACKDOWN. Do"t want to be around for that! I have been informed that since the orchestration is fairly large, they are preparing for their "close in" very carefully.

I am not even so sure that my name is not on a list can't say that I am dismayed or worried either. But you can bet your bottom dollar that I will continue to sound the alarm. It's in my character to inform, denounce, and enlighten whenever I see error. That's me. Love me or hate me.

Whatever happens in the future will be according to GOD's the meantime, however, I will not continue to idly put my hand in satan's pot of dirty money. Gotta leave that job for somebody else.

So there you have it. I strongly doubt that you have been deaf to any of this information. You have heard it before, and it's beating at your door again. Don't take my word. I dare you to do your homework. I double dare you to take the blinders off while you are researching this information.

The burden is on you. The bible tells us that it is better to NOT have known the way and do it, than to have KNOWN the way and continue to sin. Of course I'm paraphrasing, but it's there. Look it up.

My prayer to God was that He removes the darkened cancer in my heart covered with greed and deceit. It wasn't a painless process, but it has been the Name of Jesus Christ, I ask the same for each one of you.



Company: Number One Success System NOSS123
Country: USA
State: Hawaii
City: Honolulu
Address: PMB 123 Hyw. North
Phone: 6183551694
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Number Success System
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