National Magazine Exchange
Ripoff abused & mistreated consumer rip-off fraud corruption consume

Education & Science

This company is fake please join the crusade against them.

They way to bury them into the ground is to call your credit card companies and dispute all charges and then call national magazine exchange and tell them that you just told your credit card companies to dispute all charges from them because you know they are a fraudalent company and you and everyone of their subscribers are going to bury them into the ground and hang up the phone.

Then call your lawyer and tell them you wnat to sue them. You will be reimbursed by nme forcing them go belly up!


Company: National Magazine Exchange
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Clearwater
Address: 16120 US 19th North
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National Magazine Exchange
Rips off consumers by false collection allegations Ripoff

National Magazine
Exchange ripoff con artist liars victimized us

National Magazine Exchange
Decietful, theives, giving my credit card number to other companies without my permission that charged money to my card

National Magazine Exchange

N.M. E National Magazine Exchange
This company called and told me that I had won a trip and the only way I would be entitled to this trip if I accepted this magazine offer. Luckily I put it on my paypal Visa otherwise they would have

National Magazine Exchange Aka N.M.E
National Magazine Exchange - N.M.E. Spam, ripoff

National Magazine Exchange

National Magazine Exchange
Ripoff deceptive company Nationwide

N.M.E. National Magazine Exchange
NME National Magazine Exchange ripoff

National Magazine Exchange