A-1 Leasing
Fraud, scam, deceit, lies, dishonesty, corruption, swindle. They've got it all

Education & Science

My experience with A-1 Leasing of Grand Rapids, Mi. Has been nothing but misrepresentation from the beginning.
They contacted me. I'd never heard of them before.
I own and operate a Cabinet Shop and one day I get a call from them. I patiently listen to their spill about how my business could prosper by allowing them to set up a web-site for my business. They would set up the site and furnish me a computer. I own 3 computers already so I enquired about just setting up the web-site. They assured me their computer contained certain programs that would be pertinent to what we were trying to accomplish.

Against my better judgement I agreed and within a few days I had a new lap-top.
They promised to stay in touch and do eveything necessary to get me up and going on the web.

Well you guessed it. I've not heard a word from them nor could I get in contact with them.
All they were after was for me to lease a lap-top (which I did not need) from them at an astronomical fee.By the time the lease ran out I would have paid over 4,000 dollars for a 700dollar computer.

As luck would have it, some checks were stolen from my business check book some months back. I had to close out the account and start a new one.
Thus, their monthly draft was stopped.

Now I am being threatened by a collecting agency for some $!! 000. The pay off of this lease plus who knows whatever they have dreamed up.
The way I see it. My business is in partnership with the Lord Himself. I give to Him His share. He and I are a majority!
Hopefully He won't be too hard on little A-1.
There is one thing certain, however they'll never see that $11,000. Knowing how good God is. He'll probably have them cough it up or worse. Put them out of business for good!

Will keep you informed. Praise The Lord!

Company: A-1 Leasing
Country: USA
State: Michigan
City: Grand Rapids
Address: 2007 Eastern Ave
Phone: 8882220348
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