Pacific Webworks Fraudulent charges made to my Bank Account

Education & Science

This company made a charge to my checking acount on 1/22/07 that I never authorized. I tried to call them (by the way, the phone number they put on the charge was an incorrect number) after finding their number on this site only to ind out they are closed for the holidays. I found in my e-mail where they sent an invoice on 11/22 showing the charge made for some kind of shopping club. I clicked on the site and then the contact us and sent them an email. I thend clicked on another site in the e-mail some kind of webtools? There I sent another e-mail explaining that I never authorized these charges. At this point I do not know if they are going to credit back to my account or not. I left them a number to call me. I will also be reporting this to my bank as fraudulent charges. There was a previous charge from them to my account for 1.95 for which I don't know what is for. I do not know how they got my information to do this charging to my bank, but I do know it was not from me and was therefor illegal.

Company: PW/eauctions
Country: USA
State: Utah
City: Salt Lake City
Address: 180 S. W. 300 Ste. 400
Phone: 8015789020
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