United Fulfillment Bureau
They ripped me off

Education & Science

I went to the Internet looking for a grant to help me publish my book. I chose the assistance of United Fulfillment Bureau. Upon filling out the survey form. A representative called me the next day. It was a woman.

She said for a one time fee of $299.95, I could enlist their services in helping me find the funds that I needed. They sent me an application package. I immediately noticed several spelling errors.

I filled out the application and sent it back in. They said it would take 8 to 12 weeks for a response but nothing ever showed. I called them up and they said the information was still being processed and that I would have a response by a certain date.

I have called them several times now and there is just no answer aside from a very crappy computer voice whose message box is full.

Seriously, I want my money back before they do anymore damage.

Company: United Fulfillment Bureau
Country: USA
State: Colorado
City: Denver
Address: 1355 Sante Fe Dr. Suite 303
Phone: 8664249115
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United Fulfillment Bureau
Basically this company ripped off a just out of the hospital on a budget, woman who had just had a baby off

United Fullfilment Bureau
United fulfillment bureau fraud, took $299.95 from me for school grants back in mid june and still have nothing from them. Denver, colorado

United Fulfillment Bureau
Complete and total ripoff

United Fulfillment Bureau
This company is listed for grants regarding small business grants. I filled out my information and sent $299.95 back in 2! Big scam!

United Fulfillment Bureau
Grant services

United Fulfillment Bureau
Rip off Internet, Denver Colorado

United Fulfillment Bureau
It's a SCAM they asked for $299.95 and when I call the "customer service" there's no answer since March

United Fulfillment Bureau
They promised a grant for no less than $5,000.00 by paying $299.95 for services. Nine months later, nothing has come

United Fulfillment Bureau - US Grants
United fulfillment bureau took me for my $299.95! They are phony! They never send your refund!

United Fulfillment Bureau
Promised me at least $5000 grant, Ripped me off $299.99!