Privacy Matters123
A checking account thief

Education & Science

I was convinced by a company to try this website for a credit report.
I went to the site and was told it would only be one dollar.
THey have been taking money from my account for two months now.

In September it was up to $60.00. I tried many times to contact these prople. All I get is the run around. I manages to get them once on the phone and canelled my membership. THey took money for the rest of that month.
When called them agian they said the memebership would be cancelled by the end of September and no further payments would be taken.
HOWVER here it is October 28 and they once again are taking money.

I dont see how they are getting away with it. I contacted the bank and got no help. I called this site # only to get a bogus site and a run around.
When I called the phone number I get a recording telling me to go to the website.
Now What???

Saint Clair Shores, Michigan

Company: Privacy Matters123
Country: USA
Phone: 8004630817
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Privacy Matters 1 2 3
Privacymatters123"free" credit report online Charged my checking $29.95. And Never got the information. Theives!

National Grant Confrences
Ripoff / theft New Yorkrocheste

Privacy Matters
Company charged me for two other membership that they have

Privacy Matters 123, SavingSmart, Privacy Matters Identity
Privacy matters 123 - savingsmart, identity ripped off avoid getting your free credit report and being ripped off by these companies

MKS Privacy Plus
Ripoff unauthorized debit to checking account Internet

Metro Pcs - Corporate Contact Info
Charged for month my phone was deactivated

AP9* 800-316-8774 CT US Aka PrivacyMatters

Thief, Ripoff

Can not get on there cite even though they have taken my payment 2 times Pennsylvania

Score Sense
Fraudulent activity, taking money from unwilling people