The Pingry School
The Pingry School: Incompetent Teachers, Ridiculous Tuition, Cheated Children Martinsville/, NJ

Education & Science

I made the mistake of sending my gifted daughter to The Pingry School. The Pingry School is a private school in NJ that claims it is for academically advanced children and that claims to offer a great education. My child was bright enough to pass the entrance exam there with flying colors. However, my daughter was shy. That's it, just shy. And she was put through the ringer for it by the incompetents on the staff at Pingry.

My child wrote a composition in English class about another child she knew from our neighborhood. That other child was depressed and had a pretty bad home life. The assignment was to describe someone she knew and she went ahead and wrote the story of her friend. Well, the imbeciles running The Pingry School "decided" it was NOT about my daughter's friend, oh no, those geniuses "decided" my child was writing about HERSELF and disguising it as being about somebody else. This was ridiculous, but that's what they did, and the next thing my daughter knows she is being dragged off to see their in-house school psychologist, Richardson. Richardson-as-shrink was so horrible to my child that it's several years later now and she is not over his interference in her life yet. He came down on my child for being shy, for getting good grades - in a supposedly gifted school is that a crime? - for not being belle of the ball, for being a good kid, and for writing that composition about somebody else, which he and the school just would not believe. I've never seen anything so atrocious. My child says he made her feel like she was a piece of dirt, and instead of reassuring her that there was nothing wrong with her being the nice shy kid I had worked so hard to raise, he made her feel like she was, in her words, "a mental case." Richardson told my daughter and other kids he "treated" that they had "problems they didn't know about." Richardson is nothing more than a thief of children's pride, and so is The Pingry School for employing him, allowing him to do this to our kids, and allowing this kind of a witch hunt to go on, especially under circumstances this ridiculous as when a child simply expresses her thoughts about another child in a written composition in the first place.

And it gets even wilder and even crazier. I recently found out that another member of the staff over there at The Pingry School is one Carolyn Gibson. My friend used to work with Carolyn Gibson at another private school and said she used to be the biggest drug abuser in the place, if not on the planet. Now The Pingry School has got THIS particular "paragon of virtue" on their staff. And what are they charging people who want to send their children to a school like Pingry for the "honor" and the "privilege" of having their kids educated by a veteran burn-out like Carolyn Gibson? For the sixth grade, which Gibson teaches, the tuition to go to a soul-murdering school like Pingry is...$24,900 a year, plus extras! That's what. It's a complete disgrace. I am glad my child is out of there.

Also in one of the school buildings the Pingry Powers that Be were too cheap to build enough classrooms; they created "open classrooms, " which means kids go to classes in the hallway. Yes, for that kind of money, in the hallway! My daughter and several other Pingry kids she knew from the school told me it was hard to concentrate with all the noise that goes on in those "open classrooms" from people passing by and from other classes. But that's the way they constructed their school for the "gifted": with several classrooms without walls.

I urge parents who are in the market to find private schools for their children to AVOID The Pingry School in Martinsville and Short Hills, NJ. What you will be paying for, if you send your children there, is your child's punishment. I keep hoping my daughter will get back to being her old self as she was BEFORE I was stupid enough to be conned into sending her to Pingry but it's a constant uphill battle and I will feel guilty about having subjected her to The Pingry School until the day I die.

Company: The Pingry School
Country: USA
State: New Jersey
City: Short Hills
Address: Country Day Drive, Short Hills, NJ And Also Martinsville, NJ
Phone: 9733794550
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