Don Lapre's Greatest Vitamin In The World Fraudulent Company Phoenix Arizona
I never received anything. I was ripped off! Someone stop Don Lapre!

Education & Science

I was watching the infomercial and it looked interesting so I decided to by the program. Don Lapre offered an amazing deal... But it was a rip off.

I never received anything from this company in the mail as promised. A couple of weeks went by so I called the phone numbers and, well, Yeah they are all disconected! They did charge my bank account though, $35.00

I even received an order confirmation number, A lot of good it will do.
So I deceided to do a google search and I found the same thing as others have reported a phone recording full of hype that some amazing thing is about to happen... What Don Lapre just stole everyones money and is getting away with it!

I am more worried that this guy has my credit card number and might just charge me again.

Can't a person like Don Lapre be stopped and if so why haven't they stopped him? If I did something like this I would be arrested as a theif!

So I guess it's off to the bank to do a charge back as a fraudulent transaction against this company.

If it looks to good... Run

Company: Don Lapre's Greatest Vitamin In The World Fraudulent Company Phoenix Arizona
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Phoenix
Address: Phoenix, Arizona
Phone: 6023243990
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The Greatest Vitamin In The World Don Lapre, CEO
The Greatest Vitamin In The World Don Lapre, CEO Greatest Vitamin In The World Let Down

Amazing Products International - Don Lapre - The Greatest Vitamins In The World ()
Amazing Products International - Don Lapre - The Greatest Vitamins In The World? Took My Money and Disappeared

Don Lapre Greatest Vitamin In The World
Don Lapre needs to pay everyone back He needs to be made to pay us all back

Don Lapre - the Greatest Vitamin In The World
Don Lapre-the Greatest Vitamin In The World ripoff has not refunded my money have promised to refund in april it is may now

Donald Lapre, The Greatest Vitamin In The World
They swindle me out of $1390.19 for something that doesn't work. I just want my money back from this company and the CEO / Preisdent Don Lapre. Or i will take legal action and file a lawsuit against Mr. Don Lapre, for false pretense

The Greatest Vitamin In The World
Don lapre ripoff karma is a b

Greatest Vitamins In The World
Aka don lapre doug grant ripoff

The Greatest Vitamin In The World
Don Lapre - Torica Was Don Lapre Arrested ripoff

Don Larpre akaThe Greatest Vitamins In The World
Don Lapre The Greatest Vitamins In The World ripoff

Don Lapre (The Greatest Vitamin In The World)
Don and his people mislead me and took thosands from me and then he is now were to be found