London Alliance Group
The Alliance Group uses several methods to rip off employee's

Education & Science

This security company uses several methods to rip off employee's.

(1) a bait and switch policy whereby they invite job applicants to apply for positions on sites at a high rate of pay and then over time reduce the pay to a minimum level by switching the employee to a lower rated site.

(2) Should the employee complain, s/he is put on a muck-a-round list that means work is only offered to them if other guards fail to turn up for work. This can result in the employees wages being reduced to only a few days pay per month.

(3) Each month employees find that there is a discrepancy in their wages often of several hundred pounds. The employee complains and it is sorted out to varying degrees over the proceeding months. Often the employee never regains his/her full entitlement.

(4) Should the employee seek employment elswhere, a bad reference is given to the prospective employer in an attempt to prevent the employee leaving the company.

(5) Should the employee decide to leave the company their wages are not paid in full, they often do not receive a P45 and money paid as a deposit for their uniform is not paid back in full.

This practice brings the industry into disrepute therefore preventing it from becoming a true profession that people can respect.

It also rips off the customer/client who needs well motivated officers looking after their premises rather than angry officers who dont give a damn because of the way they have been treat by the employer.

Company: London Alliance Group
Country: USA
State: London
City: London SW8
Address: Wyvil Road
Phone: 02077202001
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