Secret Society 1200 Page Book For $139.00
Let's solve this problem Ripoff

Education & Science

If anybody actually recieved this bogus booklet and, since you are only guaranteed not to get your money refunded, please publish the entire booklet for everyone to read for free on the internet.
This will solve most peoples problem of unrealistic curiosity and put these publizising scam artists out of bussiness.
Who would pay $139.00 (never refunded as promised) if the same nonsense is available for free.
I would gladly do it myself but am unwilling to give my credit card info to such criminals.

Company: Secret Society 1200 Page Book For $139.00
Country: USA
State: Ohio
City: Grove City
Address: 3357h Southpark Place, Ohio 43123
Phone: 7754126016
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The Secret Society
Scam Artist

Nouveau Tech Society
This Secret Society Is a Scam, it's Vicious to prey on those who are down on thier luck, We need to be even more Vicious & stop this so called Secret Society! Ripoff

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The Secret Society
Package of Inside Secrets... 1200 page manuscript... You are chosen

The Secret Society Orientation Booklet
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The Secret Society Members
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The Athenian Secret Society
Ripoff nothing as yet, as i read a report in here, and I didn't respond Mailed From Grove City Ohio