Russ Whitney - Robert Kiyosaki - Wealth Intelligence Academy
SCAM, Please Research this company BEFORE handing over you life savings. Ripoff Columbus

Education & Science

It's a SAD day. I truly like Robert Kiyosaki's books and the CashFlow Board Game, but after this weekend I question his morals and his the book Rich Dad, Poor Dad, Robert talks about his life learning under his two "dads" and speaks of conducting life with intregity.

What a load of crap, I'm starting to wonder if there were actually two dads or just a con man for a father. Robert tells us that his real dad, his poor dad, thought the rich were dishonest and a bunch of crooks. But that his Rich Dad, or his best friend's dad, showed him the right way to be rich and give back to others. Robert even went on to stay that he's carrying out his real dad's legacy by teching others, as his real dad was a teacher in the state of Hawaii. My god it makes me sick. If your real dad could see you now. What a disappoint, knowing that you teamed by with the con artist Russ Whitney to rip people off.

I went to a "free" seminar, about 2 hours long, from Rich Dad Education 3 weeks ago. It was only a taste tester to sign you up for another seminar, which I fully expected and was OK with b/c I considered the Rich Dad company an "honest" company. This seminar was priced at about 1K, but if you signed up today you got into the seminar for only $495 and you could bring someone else of your choosing. What a deal right? Wrong.

At the time I thought it was fair. Of course it was, the speaker of this "free" seminar showed us a HUGE list of everything we need to know about Real Estate. Everything we needed to know, was going to be given during the 3 day "real estate academy." Of course this "Real Estate Academy" was nothing more than a sales pitch. I've NEVER been pitched so hard in my life, I felt as if I've been raped by Ron Jeremy.

This $495 seminar was 3 days, and thoughout this presentation we were taught nothing, if VERY little, that was promised to us during the free seminar.instead we were told my Stephen Edwards (the instructor) that this was like "high school" and the "advanced training" courses were like our "college" education. And of course we MUST take these courses to by successful.

Basically, the first day we saw pictures of his fancy house and expensive cars, we were all told vaguely how this deals were put together, but told that we would have to take the advance classes to fully understand the process. I grew suspicious when we were giving our first "assignment." We were given an assignment during lunch to call all of our credit card companies and increase our lines of credit and decrease our interest rates.

Of course this was to purchase real estate right? WRONG! That's what they told us, but on the morning of second day he asked how many of the 180 attending called and increased our lines of credit. Only a hand full of poeple raised their hands, he became pissed off... And told us that we were NOT serious about becoming rich and that we were taking an immediate 30 min break and EVERYONE had to get on our phones and get their credit lines increased.

Then after break, everyone went up to the microphone and told the entire room how much they raised their line of credit, of course the highest increase "won" a prize and everyone cheered for being SUCKERS. The 2nd day was all HARD CORE selling. This happened from roughly 10am (after making our phone calls) until well after 4pm throughout lunch.

There were many packages for this "advanced training, " basically ranging from $9,000 to $44,000. These included the "mentor" and "software" that we must have in order to be fact nearly every question was answered "its in the software" or "that's what you mentor is for."

I find it hilarious that there were "no laptops allowed" and that they were telling everyone to "decide with your hearts and not with your head." "Make the decision today, before you go home. This way you won't have to wait in line to sign up for your advanced training." I seriously bet after this weekend, you will no longer be allowed iPhones in this seminar as well.

I was interested about this company called "Wealth Intelligence Academy" that Kiyosaki partnered with, so I did a google search on the company on my iPhone and could not believe what I found. Horrible stories about this company ripping off good people. So, of course I pass my phone around the table to let everyone could know what I found. Needless to say they took me into a back room and attempted to lay into me about being negative and BS. That was short lived as I told them it was a free country, I'll look at whatever I wanted up on my phone and show it to as many friends at my table that I see fit.

It made me sick to look around the room, see the people that don't make the amount of money in a year for some of these packages, probably living pay check to pay check, get suckered into putting significant amounts of money that they can't afford in order to go to more seminars and be told that they must buy more packages to get all the information they need to get RICH. I guarantee that WIA puts trustworthy individuals into a state of bankruptcy all the time. Something needs to be done about these two men, Whitney and Kiyosaki.

I have been told that the 3rd day is the worst. We were actually told that we would not have a lunch break, and that it would be a "working" lunch in order to get through all the stuff they needed to teach us. Yeah right. They just need more time to sell us the "dream." I learned that this happens all the time at other seminars, being hungry causing you not to think clearly and what a better way to sucker you into one of their outrageous programs. And anyone that signs up for a program which STARTS at 9K get a free CashFlow Game! That's a $195 value. That's GREAT. And I bet I can tell you where they put it after you bend over.

I have learned one thing from all of this. Time is more valuable than money, that's why I'm not wasting another minute of my time on a beautiful Sunday to get pitched this crap. Do NOT waste your money or more importantly your time. I have no idea how Robert lives with himself. "Educator". Yeah right!

Company: Russ Whitney - Robert Kiyosaki - Wealth Intelligence Academy
Country: USA
State: Ohio
City: New Albany
Phone: 8005702050
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Robert Kiyosaki, Russ Whitney, Rich Dad Education, Wealth Intelligence Academy
Rich Dad Education - deceptive scammers - really Russ Whitney's Wealth Intell Academy

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Robert Kiyosaki's Rich Dad Education - Russ Whitney
Rich Dad Education Robert Kiyosaki's Rich Dad Education partner in crime Russ Whitney

Robert Kiyosaki
"Rich Dad" And Russ Whitney BOYCOTT RICH DAD Robert Kiyosaki

Russ Whitney, Robert Kiyosaki, Rich Dad Education
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Rich Dad Robert Kiyosaki - Russ Whitney
Kiyosaki has sold OUT! Rich Dad gets RICHER on you and I Phoenix

Rich Dad Education
Robert Kiyosaki - Russ Whitney, Whitney Information Network SHAM Deceptive Advertizing Complete RIP-OFF!

Rich Dad Academy
Rich Dad Education - Wealth Intelligence Academy Learn To Be Rich? Learn To Be Taken!

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Russ Whitney - Robert Kiyosaki - Rich Dad, Whitney Grounp
Russ Whitney And Robert Kiyosaki - Rich Dad, Whitney Grounp BOYCOTT RICH DAD! Scam artist! Front for russ whitney