Jim Welch
CounterFeit Check Scam

Education & Science

This place sent me a check for $4,975.00. It wasn't a real check, and I will owe the bank for 1/2 of it. They need to be stopped. They said they were a financial aid place that gave people with low income grants to help them out. Even the teller at the bank thought it was a valid check. I really need help.

Sparta, Michigan

Company: Jim Welch
Country: USA
State: California
City: Malibu
Site: grantoutlet.com
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Welch Financial Group/J C FINANCIAL GROUP
J C FINANCIAL GROUP Same scam differnt name welch financial group

Welch Financial Group Rolf Orior Jenifer Nicolas
They sent me a check for $3950.00 and told me I won $39,000.00 but it was all fake

Welch Financial Group
Consumer's Reward program

Robert Welch aka Bob Welch (aka) Today's Auto Sales, Inc
Robert Welch aka Bob Welch aka Today's Auto Sales, Inc Hot Check Writing Crook, Ripoff Swindler, Deception, Liars

Welch Finacial Group Consumer Lottery
Real looking check a fake

Welch Financial Group
Sent me a check Buffalo

Welch Financial Group
Consumers Reward Program is a scam with fake check of 3,950 trust your heart

Welch Financial Group - Consumers Reward Program
Welch Financial Group Consumers Reward Program told me I'won a lottery for $39,000. Sent me a check for $3,950 and said I needed to pay luxury tax

Welch Financial Group
I received this cashier check from this group telling me I had won all this money. I called the 1st national bank of texaS AND THEY SAID IT WAS A FRADULENT CHECK. I just want people out there to know this