EDP Card
Ripped off under the disguise of a loan

Education & Science

I thought I was applying for a loan and ended up my checking account being debited for 159.95 and 59.95. Very mis-leading and I think this company is crooked.

Magalia, California

Company: EDP Card
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
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Americam Platimum
Ripoff Applied for payday loan somehow acquired card without applying for it checking accout was debited 49.00 tried to contact put on hold no answe

New Millinnium Bank
Debited fees to checking account without my knowing about it

Disney Channel
Disney test - MacBook Air Laptop

Acclaim Credit Card
Super Tried to ripoff 159.95 from my checking account

REI review and complaint - Customer Service

Secret Cash Card
This website is a rip off!

USA Shopping Club
I thought I was applying for a loan, then saw my bank account debited $149, no permission.inTERNET

Secret Cash Card
Debited money from my checking account for something I didn't orde

Capital First
Consumer fraud ripoff, rip-off business from hell, deceptive company, corruption

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Card Reviews - Credit card