MWI MemberWorks Connections Essentials Homeswork
MWI MemberWorks Privacy Plus MWI Essentials Connections Homeswork shamefully hired fmr Atty General Frank Kelley, Mr. Sell-Out, to mask unethical practices

Education & Science

Isn't it amazing that this firm has the gall to assemble a self-serving sell-out Consumer Advisory Board to 'guide their company'.

The team consists of Patricia Royer, fmr Atty General Frank Kelley (Hall of Shame candidate), Mary Heslin, Nicholas Willard, Dianne Goss and Robert Marotta who all get well paid for their 'advise'.

I guess MWI needs the firepower to deflect all the complaints they are receiving from various Atty Generals -
these people are disgusting. Gary Johnson spends alot of money to have his staff ride the fine-line between unethical (but legal) practices and outright fraud. For example, they mix marketing offers when you attempt to validate your new credit card.

For most people, this is an infrequent activity and many are not prepared to deal with an offer when using an automated response unit on the telephone.

Their offers are quick and brief and an unprepared consumer is vulnerable. The follow-up materials they send appear as junk mail, so that you throw it away instead of reading that you are on the hook.

MWI is well aware of this, because no one wants their services. Why would someone pay $79.95 for Privacy Plus, when you can request your driver's license record for $5 at the Dept of Motor Vehicles.

You can also get your credit report for free in many circumstances. Since many consumers know this, MWI has to think of clever ways to legally trick you into paying a high price for readily available credit information.

At some point, the SEC may investigate their practices and nab both him and his CFO for reporting violations. You can just imagine what they do to their books if they are so sleazy with their telemarketing efforts!

If you feel the same way about these sleazeballs, let their high-priced public relations group (a) Jamie Moore (202) 777-3518 or (b) Sandy Nelson (202) 543-8071 located in Washington DC know how you feel.

Greenlawn, New York

Company: MWI MemberWorks Connections Essentials Homeswork
Country: USA
State: Connecticut
City: Stamford
Address: Stamford, Connecticut
Phone: 2033247635
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MWI, Money Master, MemberWorks
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