Visions Investment Group
RIPS OFF honest hardworking individuals out of thousands of dollars, ALLISON MOON is a liar and she is rude and the owners TROY DOLLER AND JONATHAN LOWRY are liars too

Education & Science

I hope this serves as a warning, to not give these lying, greedy, scam artists any of your money.

My husband and I signed up for their Summit Program in January. The companies owners Jonathan Lowry and Troy Doller held a seminar in San Antonio, TX where we live and that is where we signed up for the program. We thought that their real estate investing program sounded like a good deal at the time. They suckered us into signing up that night by giving us a "scholarship". We only had to pay $3000 down and then we were supposed to pay the rest when we made money. They also have a money back guarantee.

Jonathan Lowry and Troy Doller were the speakers that night. They said that they provide mentoring and online training. They elaborated on how the internet training was really cool and similar to University of Phoenix's online classes. I remember this specifically because I used to work at UOP and my husband took some classes there at the local campus. We were supposed to have a coach that we were supposed to be able to e-mail, call if we had any questions, and have a weekly mentoring session. The we after signing up, we had our first appointment with our coach. I asked about he internet trainin and he said they haven't developed it yet.

So, i wasnt' very happy that we were lied to in the beginning. The first few time he called us it was on time. Then after that, he called us late every time we had a phone appointment. It was hard to get in touch with him if we had an important question and it was hard to get an e-mail response from him. Then, out of the blue, we found out one day that he was no longer our coach and they assigned us a new coach named Byron. One person at the office told us that our orginal coach left the company and another person told us that he still works for the company at home. I could never get a straight answer from them about that. My husband and I would call to talk to our coach and they said he was busy or out to lunch so we would ask to speak to someone who could answer our question and then he would mysteriously get on the phone to answer our question.

Then, he was supposed to call us for a coaching session however he didn't call, when we called the next day, he said that we must have not been by the phone. They tried to blame it on us, but we sat by the phone several hours that night waiting for him to call. At that point, we were very mad because they didn't give us what they promised. So, we asked for a refund because of their money back guarantee. My husband spoke to Allison Moon and asked for a refund and she tried to convince us to stay with them and promised they would deliver. Allison then told us we would give our money back if we sent a certified letter explaining our reasons for wanting a refund so we sent it. We called a few day after they received it and she told us that we would receive a refund within a month.

It has been almost 3 months since she told us we would receive a refund. My husband called their office and they gave him the run around telling him that people who we needed to talk to weren't there. So I called them and talked to Allison, the lady who we sent the certified letter to, and she told me that she had to talk to the bookkeeper to find out when we would receive our refund and she asked me to call her back the next day. So, I did call her back the next day but she wouldn't get on the phone with me. She put me on the phone with a lady named Cindy who didn't know anything about it. She told me that she found out from Allison that the bookkeeper said that my case is in review. I asked her what that meant but she didn't know.

So, I asked her if I could talk to someone who did know. She put me on hold and then she want to talk to Allison who wouldn't talk to me herself. When she came back to the phone, she said it meant that they are reviewing it and she doesn't know when we will get our refund. I asked her if we would definently get our money back because that's what Allison Moon told my husband. She said if that is what Allison said, we would but she's not sure when. Her exact words were, "You will get your money back, but not just in the matter of time that you wish you would." She told me it would probably be a couple of weeks, but it could be a more than two months.

Since all of this happened I contacted the Consumer Fraud Dept in Utah and they are handling it on their side. After weeks of trying to get in touch with Allison, my husband talked to her and she said that we needed to send her an e-mail explaining in more detail why we want our money back. So, we did, and we tried to get back in touch with her to find out what the owners said and that took about a week too. She told us that they hadn't given her an answer yet. So my husband tried to get in touch with her daily, b/c she never called when she said she would. They often lied to him and said she was in a meeting, the bathroom, out to lunch for over 2 to 3 hours, or out of the office at the time. My husband would often talk to Cindy and she would lie for Allison.

Finally, after sending the e-mail, my husband talked to Allison, and she said that we didn't do any work at all, she also said that the owners said that what we said about online training like UOP was a lie. We asked numerous times to speak to the owners, who were calling us liars, but they wouldn't speak to us directly. She tried to tell us that we had 4 training sessions and that we used up their time so we shouldn't get a refund because we were lying. We were supposed to have one training session a week, and we only had 4 in 3 months. But, my husband asked her how much their training sessions are worth and she said $200. I was fed up at the time, and even though what they went over us is worth nothing I said fine, ask the owners about a partial refund. So, after over a week, and my husband calling every day and being lied to about Allion's whereabouts, she told us that if we called the State of Utah and told them we were lying and asked them to drop our case against their company, that they would give us $2000 of our $3000. Even, though their crappy 4 training sessions, some only lasting 30 min or less, were worth $800. So, we told Allison, that we would not lie. So, she said that we could take them to court. So, that brings us to present and we are about to take litigation against them.

So I hope this serves as a warning, to not give these lying, greedy, scam artists any of your money

San Antonio, Texas

Company: Visions Investment Group
Country: USA
State: Utah
City: American Fork
Address: 814 East Bamberger Drive, Ste C
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Visions Investment Group
Allison Moon - Jonathan Lowry - Bryce Mackey Pushed me into spending $3000, promised a refund within 90 days & even my coach was shocked