Athenian Secret Soceity - John Finn - NeoTech
Athenian Secret Soceity - John Finn - Neo-Tech Scam, Don't fall for it ripoff Grove City

Education & Science

Nothing is "Free"! I received a personal, first class letter "just for special people" claiming the world is mine if I get this Free Book. This is the same scam that I fell for 5 years ago called Neo-Tech. I ordered the free book but was charged $140.00.

The book was full of crap, a cute story about a teacher, and a bunch of bull even cult-like stuff for scammers only. They then wanted me to join their club at a fee, buy more books, etc. They so-called gave me a book on gambling secrets with my order for consolation of the $140 as I missed their dead-line.

You will miss the dead-line if you mail it Yesterday! This is an Old Scam dating years back with many different names and people.

Please tell your friends and family not to fall for these scammers. Check out the web-sites for Secret Soceity, Neo-Tech, Nuevo Tech, etc.

Company: Athenian Secret Soceity - John Finn - NeoTech
Country: USA
State: Ohio
City: 3357 H. Southpark Place Grove City
Address: PO Box 6304 Dover, Delaware 19905-6304
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Secret Society / John Finn
Had me thinking i was going to be rich in control money love personal power grove city ohio

Neo Tech
Got ripped off from neo tech Grove City

The Athenian Secret Society
Nova Tech Society, Scam Letters, Kirsten Hart resent me the same letter, different Society

The Athenian Secret Society
Ripoff nothing as yet, as i read a report in here, and I didn't respond Mailed From Grove City Ohio

Nouveau Tech
Ripoff special and rare traits mailing They think I am DUMB!

John Finn, Invitation Processing
You posses special traits, secret society, free-membership

Neo-Tech Aka Secret Society
Theives, liars, scammists, con-artists, creeps that steal from the poor

Kirsten Hart And Nouveau Tech Society
Scam still On! Kirsten Hart and the Nouveau Tech Society are still out there

Nouveau Tech Society

Nouveau Tech
Neo Tech ripoff cult