Bruce A. Berman
The top 10 ripoff case in USA

Education & Science

I first was lured into ordering the kit from radio show. I thought: well it's only five dollars. Then the trap gets deeper, you are directed to order the FREE CDs from their web site.

Oh No!!! The CDs are not free, I was charged 99.99 dollars without even knowing until I receive my monthly credit balance.

The behavior is totally low, because that's how many and I was lured to believe I get to make a better living out of this. No, do not believe it!

There is no free lunch!

Daly City, California

Company: Bruce A. Berman
Country: USA
Phone: 4154896487
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Bruce A. Berman: The Berman Differential
Not free! You will be billed! California

Bruce Berman, Berman Investment Group

Bruce A Berman
Ripoff false advertisting on the radio in georgia

Bruce Berman

Bruce A. Berman
Ripoff Newport Beach California

Bruce Berman
Unethical ripoff

Berman Investment Group
Radio commercial sent me to site for FREE book & CD which had NO MENTION of additional CD's charged fo

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Consumer Credit Monitoring
Ripoff Dishonest advertising