The Greatest Vitamin In The World
Can't Believe I Fell For It ripoff

Education & Science

Well I guess you can add me to the list of people duped by this program. For about a year I have been looking for ways to supplement my income online. I thought this would be a good thing for me. Maybe because it was 1:00 in the morning, maybe because it was Valentine's Day and I was mad at my ex-boyfriend, but I signed up for the program. Who wouldn't it's only $35.00? That's what we all thought.

Much like everyone else I got the call and the upgrade package. I told them it was too much money, they made a payment plan. $600 now - $600 after my first check. Fine. Feeling slightly sick about it, I thought what the heck, I'm going to make it happen. I still had the determination. Then, next day another call... Platinum package. Couldn't afford it all - so they dropped the price in half, from $2965 to $1495 - has scam written all over it.

But what got me was the $100 bonus for people who sign on. How much money would I make? Limitless... But then I started thinking about the fact that, although I'm not thrilled about giving my money away to a scammer (and believe me I WILL be getting it ALL back) I can afford to without being in dire straits. But what about those people who will be in a horrible situation for trying to get a better lifestyle for their families? I can't promote this business. I'm too honest for that.

So already feeling leary the final straw was the call for the domain name. Supposedly $9.95 a month, but the website is cheap and ridiculous so naturally you need the upgraded package; that was $895.00. I bought that too because it was "essentially only $295 if you take away the $600 balance from my first upgrade package." Yeah right. Still, late for work I said yeah, yeah, sign me up and dont call me again. Their website looks like total crap - so cheap - so cheesy and that's when I decided to do what I should've done first..."Greatest Vitamin in the World Scam" google search and look what I see. Countless reports of similiar accounts.

I feel so stupid. But it's been a two weeks and I'm on my quest for my money back. Which totals $2,992.00. I'm a pretty smart girl, but not smart enough I guess. Please don't do the same. I'll let you know if I get it back in a timely fashion.

Company: The Greatest Vitamin In The World
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Phoenix
Address: 3112 North 30th Ave
Phone: 8005448482
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The Greatest Vitamin In The World - Gauranteed Traffic
Do Not Order This Program! It is a RipOff!

Greatest Vitamin In The World
Biggest Ripoff In the World

Don Lapre's Greatest Vitamin In The World
Fraudulent Company

Don Larpre akaThe Greatest Vitamins In The World
Don Lapre The Greatest Vitamins In The World ripoff

Greatest Vitamin In The World - Donald Lapree
RIPOFF Independent Advertisers Sign-up

Worlds Greatest Vitamin & Guaranteed Traffic
Took aproximately $4,500.00 from my credit cards to start fraudulent vitamin business

Don Lapre And The Greatest Vitamin In The World
"The greatest vitamin in the world" advertised that when you became an independent advitiser you would get paid $1000 for every 20 peolple you got to try the product

Don Lapre's Greatest Vitamin In The World Scam
Don Lapre and his dishonest employees got me duped big time, I lost close to $3000 over this damn scam! This company needs to be shut down now and Lapre should be required to pay everyone back every penny he stole form us!

Don Lapre - worlds Greatest Vitamin
Don Lapre-worlds Greatest Vitamin worlds greatest rip-off. This is nothing more than a shell game

The Greatest Vitamin In The World, LLC / Amazing Products International/LLC
The Greatest Vitamin In The World, LLC / Amazing Products International, LLC The Greatest Vitamin In The World, LLC/Amazing Products International/LLC Mom, disabled, on SS & desperate, homeless 3 months, w/son! He stole our $ & our dreams