The Greatest Vitamin In The World Don Lapre
Not refunded despite continual promises. This is a true scam. Stay away. Ripoff

Education & Science

Where do I begin. Do NOT do this 'business venture'. Before I write this report, I want you to know that I was succesfully protected by my bank/credit card for the amount of over $3,200.

I am writing this report because I feel the need to at least try to help/stop anyone else from going through the misery and anger I experienced.

In any case, I bought the $35 intro package and a bottle of vitamins back in early November 06. The next day I bought the 'targeted visitors program' for $2,400. The following week I ordered the 'internet upgrade package' for $795 from their technical department. The same day I bought the 'internet upgrade package', in the evening

I received a phone call from someone else who wanted me to invest in a 'platinum package' for $3,300. It was during this phone call that I realized I was dealing with a scam. I told him I just spent $795 earlier that day and I couldn't do it. He dropped the price ultmately to $995, offered me things I already had bought within the last week and a half let alone that day, and his demeanor had 'fraud' written all over it. It was then that I knew this was a fraud/scam and that the company was more interested in making money off of me than me being successful in selling their 'greatest vitamin'.

After that phone conversation, I realized I was being duped so I called their customer service to cancel the whole thing. A lady told me the whole amount would be refunded but first I'd receive a call from their 'quality management team' within 24 to 48 hours.

That night, I did what I should have done before I bought it. I researched on the internet. That's when I was about to put my fist through a wall when I discovered people were having troubles getting refunded and/or not getting refunded, period.

This is where they ultimately make their money.By not returning it. I called my credit card/bank and kept them aware of everything said/promised just in case this would develop into a fraudulent situation.
The next day I got a call from a quality manager of the 'greatest vitamin' and he said that within one billing cycle or 30 days I'll get the refund. I was adamant on getting this refund soon so he even put an 'expedite' on the refund and said I could get it in possibly a half a billing cycle or two weeks. I said okay.

After two weeks, there was no refund so I figured I'd call him to see what was going on. He never returned the phone call so I left a couple more messages.

Finally a few days later someone else from their 'quality mgmt. Team' calls me instead and says that there is no definite refund date but that it is 'in process'. He fed me a bunch of garbage about how it takes a series of steps to complete the refund and said he'd put an 'additional expedite' on the refund. He said I'd get the refund 'sooner rather than later.' I told him my credit card company has been/was being notified of everything thus far just in case (you can see I was angry at this point).

So the refund went from 30 days, good possibility of 2 weeks, to no definite date, but sooner rather than later.
My credit card bill for all of this finally came and it became an actual 'dispute investigation' performed by my bank/credit card. The bank was absolutely terrific in helping me with this problem. During this entire process I sent them all the names, dates, phone numbers and extensions, details of what was said in phone conversations, etc. Just a few days ago I was notified by my bank that the dispute was resolved in my favor.

When I bought into this product, I was naive and thought this might be a good opportunity. What I learned is that 'if it is too good to be true, it is.' I also learned, unfortunately, about more of the evil side to human nature. They're con-artists at that company and they don't care either.

Well, I'm glad I put all of this on my credit card and the bank protected me. I wish you the best in getting your money back. You're not alone in this, for sure.

Company: The Greatest Vitamin In The World Don Lapre
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Phoenix
Address: 3112 North 30th Ave
Phone: 8005448482
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Don Lapre - the Greatest Vitamin In The World
Don Lapre-the Greatest Vitamin In The World ripoff has not refunded my money have promised to refund in april it is may now

Don Lapre - Greatest Vitamin - Guaranteed Traffic - DOUG GRANT
Ripoff, scam, fraud, greatest scam in the world, smooth-talking con artist

The Greatest Vitamin In The World, Don Lapre
I have not received my refund after 2 months! Everytime I call it's another delay tactic Ripoff

Greatest Vitamin In The World
Hasn't refunded my money and I did everything required of me, and they even misplaced that!

The Greatest Vitamin In The World
They owe me a refund in the amount of $5,432.95 and it has been owed to me since December

Greatest Vitamin In The World - Don Lapre
Greatest Vitamin in the world is the biggest rip off They should be made to pay

Greatest Vitamin In The World
REFUSAL to honor REFUND Policy ~ The Greatest Vitamin SCAM in the World Ripoff

Don Lepre, Greatest Vitamin, Guaranteed Traffic
Doug grant ripoff, scam, fraud, greatest scam in the world, smooth-talking con artist 3030n cenral ave. Suite 310

The Greatest Vitamin In The World

Don Lapre's greatest Vitamin In The World
Don Lapre's "greatest Vitamin In The World" THIS COMPANY IS A SCAM, RIPPING OFF CONSUMERS. He should be prosecuted