Secret Cash Card
I had never heard of the company, i didn't apply for anything with them, all i know is they took money out of my account without my consent U.S.A

Education & Science

Secret Cash Card Service took money out of my account without my concent. I never heard or this company and don't understand why they would get money out of my account without my concent. I was charged two overdraft fee because they attempted two time to get the money out of my account, then they succeed. While pulling up my bank statement and noticing my account balance i became concern.

Culloden, Georgia

Company: Secret Cash Card
Country: USA
Phone: 7067415361
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Secret Cash Card
Charged my bank account $49.95 unauthorized, which caused bank fees to be assessed

Secret Cash Card
Debted my account of $49.95 without my permission and overdrew my account. I now have a charge of $32.00 overdraft. My account is at a negative balance becasue of this Internet Internet

Secret Cash Card
Fraudulently accessed banking account and withdrew funds

Secret Cash Card
Fraudulently deducted 49.95 from my checking account after applying for a pay day loan. How can they get away with this kind of fraudently activity? Ripoff internet

Secret Cash Card
I was ripped off but then received a refund from Secret Cash Card Internet

Secret Cash Card - Private Date Finder
Secret cash card - private date finder ripped off $49.95 from bank san clemente california

Secret Cash Card Services

Secret Cash Card
Watch out! FOR Secret Cash Card Service ripoff INTERNET NATIONWIDE

Secret Cash Card
They withdrew money from account without authorization Ripoff Internet nationwide

Secret Cash Card
Secret cash card withdrewn funds 49.95 and was not authorizied to do so ripoff