De Monaco Heritage Fund, Jacqueline De Monaco, Founder
De Monaco Heritage Fund - Heritage Fund Jacqueline De Monaco, Founder SCAM! Recipient of Grant money I did not apply for

Education & Science

I know that many people have received the same letter that I received today January 11.

I am furious that people are out there getting away with this sort of scam! There are many people suffering financially right now and these low life scumbags are out there just waiting to take advantage of it.

I was scammed by telephone six years ago. I was down on my luck needing money desperately and somehow out of nowhere came this phone call. I questioned this person over and over and he made sure to have an answer for everything. Needless to say he stole the last bit of money I had to support my children. The saddest part is he knew this... I told him that was all the money we had.
I was scammed by someone working for Western Union and by the time any authorities could get to them they had closed up shop and left. Western Union did replace the money it cost me to send the money but I was definitely out a lot more. This was sent to Quibec Canada.

I just don't understand why anyone would ever want to do this and why nothing can be done to stop it!

Company: De Monaco Heritage Fund, Jacqueline De Monaco, Founder
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Weston
Address: 318 Indian Trace, Ste. #440
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De Monaco Heritage Fund
J.De Monaco - Jacqueline De Monaco, Founder ripoff This person and or Company states you are recipient of a Grant and wants $25 to process and start your grant

De Monaco Heritage Fund

De Monaco Heritage Fund
This company seems to have ripped off other people here

De Monaco Heritage Fund
Jacqueline De Monaco Received a letter in the mail entitled "GRANT CONFIRMATION" Envelope stated "CONGRATULATIONS - YOUR NOMINATION IS APPROVED"

De Monaco Heritage Fund
Founded By Jacqueline De Monaco try to rip me off but I like in to it

De Monaco Heritage Fund

De Monaco Heritage Fund

De Monaco Heritage Fund
Offerring A Grant Confirmation by me paying $25.00 US dollars Ripoff

De Monaco Heritage Fund
Jacqueline De Monaco ripoff. Change of address

De Monaco Heritage Fund