CCA Shopping Network
Ripoff business from hell

Education & Science

The company has sent me two cards, the first I was curious about so i called to get it activated. They first asked me if i had a checking or saveings acount, i answered no, they then told me i was approved for there shopping card, and gave me another number to call. I of course called it and got a recording they told me my card was already activated, i was kind of conserned after they told me that, when i had'nt gave them any info yet. After that i never called back, then a couple months later they sent me a nother and thats why im filling out this report. If they send you one of these i would contact the proper athorities and have these people stoped. Jeffconway, South Carolina

Company: CCA Shopping Network
Country: USA
State: Nevada
City: Las Vegas
Address: P.O. Box 46101
Phone: 8002777056
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CCA Shopping Network
Ripoff ripoff business from hell fraudulent ripoff business