Copeland Marketing
Fraudulent scam took upfront fee and has produced no proof that it has done anything that it promised. Won't even respond to bbb complaints. Ripoff

Education & Science

I was contacted by one Alyssa Gould from Copeland Marketing and was led to believe that my Hawaii timeshare was worth $ 32,500.00 and that the reason that she was calling was to let me know that there was a big convention in Daytona and that these timeshares were selling like "hotcakes".

She said that she had an interested party that was interested in purchasing my timeshare if I would negotiate down to $ 30,000.00 and to enter into an listing agreement with Copeland Marketing to facilitate the deal. The listing fee of $799.00 was to be refunded at the time of sale and that she could be sending me my funds in 3-5 days from that time.

She was smooth as silk and it sounded like an answer to prayers for a financial strait that I was currently in at that time. Or so I thought.

Its been over a year now and I have yet to hear back from Alyssa Gould or anyone from Copeland Marketing. Even after repeated calls and emails, I have received not even one response. I registered a complaint with the Better Business Bureau that serves the Daytona, Florida area and after a few months, they sent me a letter informing me that even they were closing their file on the matter due to "non-response" from Copeland Marketing. My issue was and isn't that the timeshare didn't sell. Things happen, situations change by the moment. But what really bothers me is that they took a hefty fee upfront for "listing and marketing" my timeshare and they will or can't produce evidence ie, ad listings or any proof that they have posted my timeshare for rent or sale in any medium, newspapers, magazines, timeshare for sale by owner lists, even ebay. So I'm embarrassed to admit that I got took by these vermin. And I do not know how to rectify the problem.

The real kicker that re-fired my ire, is the other day, I was contacted again by someone else from Copeland who had the almost verbatim script that Alyssa Gould gave me. Boy did I tell that guy where to get off. I suppose they didn't realize that they had already scammed me. Or worse yet, maybe they were trying to milk me again.

Please keep me informed on any class-action lawsuit that may arise from this fraudulent marketing firm. Something surely needs to be done. We can't just lay down and take it. Others are being fleeced even as I type this.

Respectfully and truthfully submitted

Company: Copeland Marketing
Country: USA
State: Florida
Phone: 8002690143
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