World Voice Link Inc
World Voice Link Inc Must Be Stopped

Education & Science

I was first violated by World Voice Link Inc when services I didn't order, appeared on my April phone bill. Since I live in a universisty owned apt, I contacted the school's communication services who pretty much told me that they had no power about the situation and couldn't due anything about it.

They gave me a 1-800 # that's always busy, and this is getting really frustrating, b/c I get $20 monthly charge for services I didn't authorize and hence don't use.

Your complaints have helped soothe my frustration, but has also provided more fuel to the fire. Thank you for the additional 1-800's numbers and address you've provided. I will not rest until those monsters hear me out.

Santa Barbara, California

Company: World Voice Link Inc
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Bedford
Address: 1321 Brown Trail Bedford
Phone: 8000400
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