USA Credit

Education & Science

USA Credit did not get to keep my hard earned money they took (unauthorized) from my checking account. I found the withdraw from my account the next morning. I wasted no time. I called my bank. They told me what to do.

Do not waste any time if you have been a victim of an unauthorized withdraw of your hard earned money from your account. Do not take NO for an answer!

I called USA Credit 9:10AM explained that I did not authorize the withdraw of $149.95.By 9:20AM a three way call was done by USA Credit, myself and my bank. The money is to be back in my account within 72 hours.

If this is how USA Credit does business, they should be put out of business! Shut down from using the internet!

Washington Court House, Ohio

Company: USA Credit
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
Phone: 8006859354
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USA Credit
Unauthorized withdrawal from my checking account. I do not have a credit card from this company. Just received a notice from my bank that they tried to withdraw from my account causing insufficient funds. Ripoff Carlsbad California

Usa credit
Stole $149.95 out of checking account
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Ild Teleservices
Services rip-off accessed my bank account and took out unauthorized funds abused & mistreated

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Ripoff, scam, fake work at home company, LA

Unauthorized Withdrawl Of 89 Dollars From My Bank Account
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L1H Unauthorized withdraw of money from checking account

USA Credit
USA Credit was NOT authorized to withdraw $149.95 from my bank account - TWICE! Internet

Tavos id protect
Unauthorized withdraw