Bill Conklin
Bill Conklin ripoff con-artist cheat thief rip off scam

Education & Science

This low life claims that he can help people who are having problems with the irs. You have to send him $900.00 up front, should have been the first red flag!!! We had to get a cash advance on a credit card. The junk that he sends to you is completely WORTHLESS! The sorry jerk also trys to get you to subscribe to a worthless monthly newsletter.

When I returned everything & asked for a refund, he just plain refused. Told me no one else returns money on anything like this. He is a sorry excuse for a human, and I will do everything I can to make sure this lieing sob is stopped. I have reported him to every agency that I could, but you know how that usually goes. Hopefully this will let innocent folks know that if they hear the name "Bill Conklin" to run as far and as fast as they can.

He is the worst kind of scam artist, preying on people who already have problems. I hope this piece of human garbage burns in Hell! Do Not Ever Send This Ass% any money, you'll be sorry!

Laguna, California

Company: Bill Conklin
Country: USA
State: Colorado
City: Denver
Site: or
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Smartleadz - Joshua Conklin
JOSHUA CONKLIN, LINDA CONKLIN scamming by taking money amounting to $1209 and not sending leads after several emails and phone calls

ASR MECHANICAL - Rob Conklin - Scam Artist!
ASR MECHANICAL -Formerly, AIS Mechanical - Rob Conklin - Scam Artist! This company ripped me off too! Beware! Owner now changed the name! Hes In Texas And Oklahoma! And Texas

Jason Conklin
Sold a Package of Deception Claimed to be A "Mentor". The Man is a Complete FRAUD!

Dan Conklin
Consumer Report

Joshua Conklin Smartleadz
Josh Conklin Fraud, Stole Funds, Will Not Respond to Calls or Emails

Joshua Conklin, Smartleadz
Cheated, False Advertising

Sweet Home Theaters
Rip-off by sweet home theaters Pike Road, Alabama

Marie Conklin I called her to see what kind of opportunity this was It was Gifting

AIS Mechanical "Rob Conklin"
Ais Mechanical ripped me off too!

Smart Leadz
Does Not deliver leads promised