American Freight Furniture
Liar Liars Worst Customer Service Ever! Ripoff

Education & Science

I have never been so furious in my entire life. I flew up from Florida to Kentucky to pick out my furniture for my new apartment and that's where the trouble began. I picked out my furniture, came back to Florida and within 2 weeks called to make my payment over phone. "Oh we're sorry we don't take payments over the phone" So I had to rush a check out and asked them to please forgive me as I didn't know this. When I knew I was moving, I called to tell them to have my furniture ready for deliver. "We don't order the furniture til it's paid in full and delivery is 4 weeks" AGAIN I had to rush out a check. When I obtained my new adddress I notified them since they had my Florida address. I stopped by when I got into town and they STILL had my Florida address... interesting... How were they going to deliver my furniture on said date if they DIDN'T change the address as they said they did. We confirmed a date and time. I sat at home ALL NIGHT Friday waiting for delivery. I had to make the call on Saturday to them. I was told that they lost my paperwork and when they returned to the warehouse, they broke my couch and that I would have to come and pick something else out. I knew they didn't have anything else in that color, but went down there anyway. I was told that they would have another one in the following Tues or Thursday. I called Thursday to be told that my couch had been discontinued. When asked why I would have been told that another one would be coming in if it was discontinued, I was informed I needed to speak to my salesperson, who happened to be the manager and also happened to had heart complications that morning and wouldn't be back for a week. I asked for my money back and was given the 2 - 4 weeks thing as everyone else. Sadly enough, while I was trying to get my refund, another couple was there. They were told that there stuff would be there on Thursday and it wasn't. They were told they had the mattress in stock, but they didn't. Seems lying is their way to get you into their place of business, then they figure they'll try to sweet talk you into keeping your order with them. Even more sadder yet, this couple had a new born baby that the mattress was for... And AFF wanted them to wait yet ANOTHER week. How insensitive!!! Back to me... The person (I will spare his name, but he was a total jerk and I hope Karma falls upon him in the near future) faxed over my request for my refund. I was told that the corporate office would have the information by the following Wednesday. I called Wednesday to get the corporate number to confirm that they got the request and I was told they DIDN'T have the corporate number. Funny... How are they supposed to communicate with them if they don't have their number? Answer... THEY ARE LIARS!!! I went there after work and confronted my salesperson and had to threaten them with filing with the Better Business Bureau and sueing them to get a number. The Vice President I spoke to was surprisingly helpful. He got ahold of the office and had my checked processed the following week and I had my money back in two weeks. So my suggestion to the rest of the world that gets abused by this company, threaten them, it's the only way they will take you seriously. I ended up getting another couch from another company $400 more dollars than I had and was willing to spend. Sucks since I just got a new place and a new job, but at least I can warn all others of this company.

Company: American Freight Furniture
Country: USA
State: Kentucky
City: Lexington
Address: 272 New Circle Rd
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