123 HiddenSender
Ripoff, faulty, no refund

Education & Science

I purchased this product in good fath hopeing to get good results. The program never worked properly and shut down after 5 to 15 minutes every time. I requested help for this many times. I was told to uograde my operating program to windows XP Pro. Which I done at a cost of $200.00. Still the same problem. They came out with some up grade? Same problem! Then I can not even get it to come on. I have asked for help! NO NO NO. Tis programe is a faulty and wast of your time and money. I have reqested help many times no response, I have requested my money back many times, NO RESPONSE. I would not recomend this to any one!!

Company: 123 HiddenSender
Country: USA
Site: 123hiddensender.com
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Program faulty, promised refund not honored

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