Observe L'essence - Phoenix Enterprises
Rip off company, no payroll, no pay just 7 bucks for knock offs you sell

Education & Science

I was searching for full-time work and looked through the St. Louis Dispatch, and saw an ad that read "immediate openings" so I called the number. The lady sounded very upbeat and said come in for an interview that day, so I got up got dressed in my nice suit and was on my way.

I got there to Phoenix Enterprises and filled out an application and had what they call an "Interview". It ook about 10 min. And I thought hey, easy enough. So they told me to call back at 4;30 pm to see if I was accepted for a 2nd Interview, and they said yes and I screamed, thinking how great it could be. They told me to come in on Thursday at 12pm.

So I go in all excited and ready for what they call a "second Interview" and it was much a do about nothing. No personal questions no nothing. All they did was talk and there was a group of about 15-20 people and everybody was pumped with there "good attitudes" and takin notes. So then they say call back between 5and 5:30 to see if your accepted for work. So I did and they said yes so now I'm really excited and ready to work.

Now I'm in orientation at 11am Monday morning and there's maybe 15 people there sitting looking crazy not knowing what's going on and they give us a contest for friends and family to see who can sell the most bottles. So I go bust my butt and sell 5 bottles cause they say you'll get 35 dollars for 5 bottles and so forth. I come back in and get my $35 not realizing that they sell the bottles for $27 and you get $7 for every bottle. (What a rip-off).

They tell you they're going to train you to run your own office as a Manager making $35k the first year and double the next. Not mentioning that you had to furnish your office and personally pay all the bills (rent, utilities) and then do exactly what they did to us Torture and make someone else go through this crap.

I go back in on my 1st day of Real Work and they send us out with a trainee, yourself and a so called trainer. Now I live Downtown St. Louis, I drive to Chesterfield to work at Phoenix (45 min) they had me drive to (somewhere Blacks would be comfortable) 270 and w. Florrisant (45) for 5hrs then back to Chesterfield (45) for 30mins and then home (45 min) Do you know how many miles that was, I freakin ran out of gas on the way back I didn't get paid for anything.

Of course I didn't sell anything in the heat looking like a prostitute selling knock-off perfume and cologne pulling it out of my back pocket saying "smell this", and one of the girls that were with me gave me $5 as if that did somethin for my tank and it takes $30 just to get to 1/2 a tank. Bull, I wish I could Report them to somebody who will shut them down. They didn't even verify my name and SSN, how unproffesional is that. They didn't even check to see if I had a drivers license while driving there employees around.

What kind of Company is this? They take advantage of younger people because they know you can get your family to buy and bring them revenue before you actually QUIT the next day

Company: Observe L'essence - Phoenix Enterprises
Country: USA
State: Missouri
City: Chesterfield
Address: 722 Spirit Of St. Louis BLVD
Phone: 6365366277
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Scentura Creations - Phoenix Enterprises
RIPOFF Sell to Friends and Family Go to BAD neighborhoods use own vehicles own gasoline NO compensation unless you sell bottles!

Phoenix Management
Will try to scan you about a so call management positions

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David, Jeriamiah, Jenny Lied about Management training to get you to sell cheap perfume

Scentura Creations
Ripoff scam, will tell you about $ but you never see any

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Scentura Creations
Observe 'l 'essence, holygraph tried to scam but lost the game! I stepped out real fast!