Platinum Benefit Group

Education & Science

The Federal Trade Commission will hear about this. I want everyone to know that i is help and this organization do not play. They supeona the company and they take law enforcemnt action. I really hope they get what they deserve and all of them go to jail for ripping people off.

I advise everyone to get there bank accounts change and to never give out any information to anyone. If they call you from florida it is a trap. I am so upset by what they did to me i do not want no one else to go through what we did.

Something will be done about this and i would not rest until something do happen to each and everyone of then. I hope they loose there jobs and everything because they are scam artist looking to stir up trouble and trouble is what they are going to get. They will really take a lost once they get caught and believe me they will pay for the damages to my bank account.

Trust me they will not get over they will take the fall and they are going to pay for our loss. Fil a complaint on the federal trade commision web site please, because something has to be done about this.

Company: Platinum Benefit Group
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Clearwater
Address: 16807 US Highway 19 North
Phone: 8003317020
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