Edp Reporting
Marc harris stolen money from my account with a fake check

Education & Science

This company is something else when you try to call you can't get through and then when you do get in touch with the company they route you to someone who can't help you with anything just take your name and then you don't hear from anyone. My problem with this company has been going on since 5/5/06 i have faxed them a copy of the check they made and a refund form and i still haven't got my money back, just today my bank decides to send me the federal regulation e form and they still don't want to give me my money back, i just don't understand how this company have been getting a way with this for so long.

I even sent emails to cal attorney general, federal trade commission, news stations in my state and in cal and nothing, Maybe they will care when it happens to them or someone they love. HELP PLESE I NEED IT, WE NEED IT.

jonesboro, Georgia

Company: Edp Reporting
Country: USA
State: California
Phone: 8004300672
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