Ripoff Career services did little to nothing to help former student all they want is your money

Education & Science

I am a former student of IADT. I graduated in 2005 from the Chicago location and I have more than a few complaints. But I'll start with the positive stuff first because there? S less of that.

Most of the teachers are knowledgeable and helpful and I feel that I learned a lot in my chosen major. However, everyone else that I had to deal with? Financial aid, career services and even a few heads of the department I was in where not pleasant to deal w / if you could even get a hold of them.

One day I made and appointment w / a financial aid person and right at the time of my appointment she decided to go on an hour long lunch break. So, I sat there for and hour waiting for her. At my exit interview the financial aid lady was also late for our appointment which, once I got into her office, only took all of five min. I have also heard tons of stories from my fellow students about them loosing important papers which they also did to me.

My exit interview papers were lost. I had to re-fill them out online and because they keep dropping the ball I still have yet to receive my diploma that I should have gotten over a year ago now.

Career services did little to nothing to help me look for or find a job/career while I was attending or just graduated and the head of my department was not only grouchy but completely unapproachable because of her attitude. Every time I went to her she was very unpleasant and short with me. Even if I had a simple two second question.

I tried not to hang out at the school if I could help it because the hallways were always loud. Kids would take over the third floor and play music loud and pound on the walls while classes were going on. I never saw anyone do anything about it. The school even implemented security guards. They seemed to be friends w / the loud kids and harass other students about their school id's.

One of my classmates was late for class one day b/c a security guard had stopped her right in front of the classroom door and because she didn't' have her ID on her she had to be escorted back down stairs to verify that she was, in fact, a student.

As for my classmates most of them were super cool and I got along w / them great but there were those students who didn't come to class, didn't do their work and just wanted to hang out and socialize but somehow they still seemed to pass the classes.

The curriculum at my location kept getting re-written too. Thankfully, I graduated before it changed but b/c of it constantly being re-written I was screwed out of an important class? Maybe more.

Now I have to find a school that I can take this one class at. Also, because of the class re-writes some of my friends were forced to stay longer. One was even talked into taking a few of the same classes twice b/c they just happened to be named something different. She was told that she needed them and when they realized she had already taken them they refused to refund her the money.

Student housing: I was placed in student housing when I first moved to Chicago. I filled out all the necessary information and what did they do? They lost it all! Student housing was a big mess any way you looked at it. From the shady landlords to the people I was placed with. It was hell.

I don't recommend going to IADT for these reasons and probably a lot more that I can't think of right now. They are impossible to deal with and get a hold of and all they want is your money. After all they are owned by a cooperation!

Company: Iadt
Country: USA
State: Illinois
City: Chicago
Address: 1 N. State St
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