Certified Recovery Systems
Ripoff - no refund

Education & Science

I paid $220.00 to CRS today at Western Union. I found out that it was fraud. I went back to Western Union to get my refund back.

Unfortunately, Western Union already send processed directly to CRS. I called CRS and requested my refund back.

CRS refused to reverse transaction. They lied to me. They said they did not see post in account.

The Western Union said that CRS were acknowledged and accepted the money.

I called Western Union and asked to stop the processed and tell CRS to return my money. Western Union said they can not do that.

I am deaf. I feel it is ripped off! I need my money back asap. I can't believe that CRS has no respect for me.

Anyway, few weeks ago, CRS called my two friends and told them to tell me to contact them.

I puzzled and knew that I never gave out to anyone my friends' phone numbers.

CRS were rude, threatened me to pay in full or they will take action against me.

I spoke with the supervisor. We agreed that I would pay on June 2nd. I did not realized it was fraud business.

What scares me is how they know my full social security? I never gave out to anyone especially on internet or any places.

I have evidences - I printed all the conversations between me and CRS.

I use Relay Service through Computer Online. I print it out and saved our conversations. I can prove it to you.

Will you please help me asap? I can not afford to pay lawyer. I have low income.

I cant believe I was forced to pay in full today. I was vulerable and felt threatened.

Thank you for reading this.

P.S. I do not want to be on tv or media attention. Just privacy. Thanks!

Company: Certified Recovery Systems
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Houston
Phone: 7133415533
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