Purchase Plus Buyers Broup
Purchase Plus Buyers Group ripoff

Education & Science

This company held large meetings telling potential investors that they ran a telephone card company, travel company, vitamins, etc. They presented the information in such a way that you believed that this is where they made their money. I invested $50,000. And friends invested even more. We all lost.

Gene Arnold did not sell the company because he was ill, he just took the money and ran. When any of us would call and ask for our money back, we were told that we could have it if we returned every piece of mail they had ever sent us. Like we would give away the only proof we have.

Someone I know saw Gene Arnold at an "Open Your Own Business Fair" where he was pushing his newest scheme.
The Attorney General of Ohio was supposedly going to go after him, but that seems to have died. I cannot even get a return leter. I can only assume that Mr. Arnold is using his ill gotten gains to hire good lawyers.

People all across the country lost millions of dollars and no one has been brought to justice for it. If the Attorney General of Ohio will not go after these people, there should be a class action suit against them.

Company: Purchase Plus Buyers Broup
Country: USA
State: Ohio
City: Westerville
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