Davison - David Coberly
Ripoff, fraud, deceptive

Education & Science

Initially I signed a contract with Davison Company and sent them $8,515.00 that was in May. They misled to believe they would produce my product with their team of experts. They never did.

Instead they came up with packaging ideas and would send me simple pictures then they would want me to send them another 300 plus dollars every few months for a different package design I foolishly did this twice because I still wanted to believe they were for real but they were horribly deceptive.

Mr. David Coberly was the director of new products and he was the man who really lied to me. Once he convinced me my product was so good that the owner Mr. Davison himself was going to call me and that they were going to pitch my product to Harley motorcycle company but then that was that it was just a ploy for me to send them more money.

I have called them and have gotten the run around they only want my money. I was told and have the paper works that gives a definite impression that the 8000 plus was going to get my product physically developed and it never was. I've called repeatedly and now am told Mr. Coberly no longer is employed there as if that makes it ok. Well it's not and I want my money back and don't want them to injure anyone else with their underhanded manipulative unexcusable business practices.

Company: Davison - David Coberly
Country: USA
State: Pennsylvania
City: Pittsburgh
Address: RIDC Park 595 Alpha Drive
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Davison Intergretion - David Coberly
Davison Inventegration - David Coberly dishonest on claiming to produce and have idea marketed on their dime

Ripoff up yours david coberly director of new products

Davison Inventagration
Liars, ripoff, hack your invention, don't produce, steal your money, Laugh in your face

Ripoff, PA

Davison Inventegration
Davison inventegration ripoff

Davison - Davison International
Ripoff, a very well designed and orchestrated scam, these people are unconsionable

Davison Inventegration
Is a ripoff! No disclosure is made that they will be requesting additional money after the first request for $685

Davison Inventegration
Ripoff misleading

Davison Design
Consumer Report

Davison Inventegration
Ripoff dishonest fraudulent