Ripoff, claims of winning over $3,000, 000

Education & Science

This company is a total scam... I recieved a letter claiming I had won over $3,000, 000... Send $20 for document preparation... Which I did... Never heard from them again so I checked out this website and sure enough, they're con artists. I also got suckered into sending another $20 to the Boca Raton address... They need to be stopped!

Company: Lvapp
Country: USA
State: Nevada
City: Las Vegas
Address: P.O. Box 98855
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LVAAP - Las Vegas Actionable Award Program
Ripoff claims I won over 3.3 million dollars

Las Vegas, Nevada Actionable Award Program
LVAAP = A total ripoff! Do Not send them any money!

Cdra - Nbpi
Ripoff Artists Boca Raton and Las Vegas Nevada

Lvaap, Aeps, Dir, Nbpi, Cra
Lvaap aeps, dir, nbpi, cra, ripoff las vegaslas vegas, boca raton, ft. Lauderdale, Florida

Total Cleanse
Total rip off and scam! Do not get taken by this false advertising boca raton florida

Lvaap - Usapa
RIPOFF Scam Alert

Audio file speakers
Audio file speakers ripoff, scam, MOTHER F

Las Vegas Nevada Actionable Award Program
Ripoff, scam artists, VERY CONVINCING, con artists

Total Cleanse
And Acai Berry Total Cleanse RIPOFF! Total Cleanse Total Cleanse RIP OFF... Consumer FRAUD!

Debt Relievers
Ripoff debt relievers total scam artists