Ripoff dishonest fradulent about 3 million dollars

Education & Science

For the past 2 months I have been recieving letters in the mail about money that I had won. At frist I payed no attention to the letters, but after they keep coming I thought "Hey it might be for real". The letters where sent with a seal of approvall saying that they where real and not the throw it away.

Well about 3 weeks ago I sent NBPI a money order for the amount that I had to send in ($20.00). Well every since then I have been getting about 3 to 4 letters a day saying that I am going to miss out on this sweepstakes and to take advantage of it Now!!!

With every letter that they said me they still insist that I send a $20.00 processing fee. The # that is listed for you to call when you call it, it says that the # is invaild.

Company: Nbpi
Country: USA
State: Nevada
Address: PO BOX 98835
Phone: 8668371403
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This company sent me a number of letters claiming that I had won millions, but I had to send them $20

Lvaap Aka Nbpi Aka Usapa
LVAAP Also Known As NBPI Also Known As USAPA ripoff

Nbpi & Ussa
NBPI - 3,700, 300.00 - USSA-3,341, 006.00 both on the same day! Ripoff

Nbpi, National Bureau Of Prize Information
Ripoff this is a big ripoff don't fall for it

N.A. C, National Awards Commission
Natioal awards commision, ussa, lvvpa, nbpi, lvc, lvaap ripoff! Do not wast time or money. Scam!

Sending sweepstakes requesting money turned out it was a ripoff

NBPI Reporting Broker's
NBPI - CDRA - LVAAP - NBPI Reporting Brokers The Ultimate ripoff Boca Raton, Las Vegas Nevada

Lvaap - nbpi ripoff

LVAAP - USSA - NBPI - Prize Search Express - United States Of America Patriotism Awards
LVAAP, USSA, NBPI, Prize Search Express, And United States Of America Patriotism Awards I received letters stating I won millions of dollars as long as I send in $20 for processing. So I did and, surprise, no money. Ripoff

NBPI, National Bureau Of Prize Information
NBPI ripoff