George Fontanills-Optionetics
Rip off

Education & Science

Options are like Elliot wave, people pay a lot for something that appears to be brilliant to learn. But the reality is that the gurus at the top of these education systems, like George Fontanills, Wade Cook, and good old Robert Pretcher only had 15 minutes of fame and never were able to live and TRADE CONSISTENTLY for a living by what they preach.

Fontanills didn't do anything for me when I took his Market Insiders Seminar years ago. It was a flop and he could have let us attend Optionetics for free. But he didn't. He reneged on his promises in my book. Fontanills then had a falling out with George Angel (his partner at the time) and George dropped out of site for a while. He later resurrected himself from the grave as a Wealth Without Worry guru. He has a great talent for slinging the bull shit though, I'll give him that

He's still spewing out the same old ranging bull s*t advertisements and infomercials. If I were raking in the money that George does making his outlandish claims and promises, I could be a successful option trader too. You could afford all of the market losses and then publish the few extraordinary winners that he happens to trip on by chance.

Fontanills would have you believe he is teaching because he likes to help people. The money he charges for seminars are ridiculous. There is nothing in his $3000 seminar that you can't find on the web and in books.

Like a lot of people, old George capitalized on the raging bull market of the late nineties when buying bull call spreads on a volatile network and optionable stocks that moved 30-40 points a day could make these strategies pretty decent bets. Since then George is sucking wind. As you can see he screwed up with his own brokerage company at FIMAT USA.

My advice to everyone... Save your money for your trading account, don't give it to George for his. Study hard and practice strict money management. Options tend to appeal to get rich quick mentalities where people take on way too large a position and unintentionally lose it all through unexpected moves and then running out of time.

Ever notice how many addresses Fontanills has all across the country, on both coasts and down in Miami? He's like Saddam and his Palaces. He knows that someone might have him in his sights. He has screwed so many people. I wouldn't be surprised if he brings a body double to his seminars now.

If you see Fontanills coming, run the guy is a con artist thru and thru.

Company: George Fontanills-Optionetics
Country: USA
State: California
City: Redwood City
Address: 244 Soreline Drive Suite 100
Phone: 8883668264
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