Ocwen federal bank fsb

Education & Science

My husband and I were forced into this company not by choice, but be the sell of our lone from Advanta Mortage. We never recieved a loan disclosure nor a payment book. I have repeatedly asked for both. Their reply was simple... You are not intitled to one. Now wait a minute, does this seem right. They have constantly harassed us and threaten us to the point of bankruptcy which has been a never ending nightmare.

We recieved a letter from the bankruptcy courts stating that one of the Mortgage companies had not properly done the paper work, so now we have paid over 4000.00 that is sitting in the hands of our trustee waiting on these two mortgages companies to decide who gets our money.

I am still trying to reach these ocwen folks to find out what i, why i still have no payment book and no loan disclosure. I do know this my 50,000.00 home they now say i owe 74,000.00 on my payment went from 421.00 to 747.00. I truly feel like we have been ripped off and we cant even get homeowners insurance on this property because we are in bankruptcy, thats another coo for them the are chargins us and additional 200.00 a month for structural insurance only. To cover their losses only if the house burns down.

I am so upset with all of this we dont know where we will go next. I have spent hours on the phone gettin shifted from 1 voice animation to another, where are all the real people who take those calls. I cant seem to ever find 1!!!

kansas city, Missouri

Company: Ocwen federal bank fsb
Country: USA
State: California
City: Los angeles
Address: los angeles, california
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Ocwen Federal Bank
Ripoff, FORCED TO FILE BANKRUPTCY TWICE, They claimed I was 6 months behind

Ocwen Loan Services LLC They can't read a contract!

Ocwen Federal Bank FSB
Ripoff trumped up charges and denial of payments

Ocwen Federal Bank, Ocwen Loan Serviving, Wells Fargo Bank
Ocwen and Wells Fargo has ruined many lives and will continue to do so unless someone stops them

Ocwen Federal Bank
Ocwen Loan Servicing Frustrated and scared of losing my home due to Ocwen stating that I am 8 payments behind

Ocwen Federal

No customer service with Ocwen

Misplacement of funds

Federal Bank FSB ripoff These people are ruthless crooks and they need to pay for all the wrong doing they have brought to homeowners that have ever dealt with them

Ocwen Federal Bank