Freedom Marketing
Ripoff Fraudulently lured me into believing I could make money at home

Education & Science

On and about December 30th I decided to find a way to increase my cash flow problem because I am unemployed. I then went on the Freedom Marketing web site to see about stuffing envelopes for cash, Freedom Marketing promised I could make money at home stuffing envelopes for $10.00 an evelope, well I decided I would give it a try so I purchased a starter kit on line with my credit card and they confirmed my order and approved the transaction and gave me a confirmation #3760444. Well here it is four and half weeks later and still have not received this so called starter kit. I have to tried e-mail them several times they do not respond. So this morning I checked out the Better Business Bureau website put in their company, and lo and behold they are not members of the bbb and have over 75 complaints against them in the past 36 months I should have done this before I decide to get involved with this.

Company: Freedom Marketing
Country: USA
State: Illinois
City: Chicago
Address: 28 East Jackson Bldg #10-f441
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Freedom Marketing
Ripoff Internet

Freedom Marketing
Take your money and uses your personal info fraudulently!

Freedom Marketing, PC Enterprises
Freedom Marketing ripoff envelope stuffing scam don't receive anything Work at home scam

Freedom Marketing
Aka PC Enterprises Took payment for items they never intended on shipping... Work from home stuffing envelopes

Freedom Marketing
Ripoff dishonest fraudulent billing took my money no envelopes

Freedom Marketing Aka PC Enterprises
Rip off, scam, takes your money and uses your personal info fraudently

Freedom Marketing
Ripoff Stuffing envelopes is a scam praying on stay at home moms dads

Freedom Marketing
Stuff envelopes from home scam ripoff

PC Enterprises - Freedom Marketing
Single disabled Mom with Disabled daughter taken advantage of by Freedom Marketing/PC Enterprises! Ripoff

PC Enterprises / Peyton Enterprises / Global Mail Marketing
Work from home RIPOFF