Capital Choice Consumer Credit
Ripoff evil dirt bags

Education & Science

I recieved this fantastic opportunity in the mail to build up my credit after hard times fell on me and my family. Capital Choice Consumer credit said they could help. But what really caught my eye was there was no phone number and The terms and conditions didn't tell me what my APR would be after the 12 months. I decided to check it out on the ol' faithful internet, and to my surprise all I found was the bad reports that you guys had sent out. Thanks to all of you we still have our $39.00 or $43.00, that I really didn't have to "Waste". Thanks to all of you. I will be contacting all our local news stations to post a warning out on these people because there are people out there that don't have the option of internet to find out that these guys are rip-offs. Evidently there are no rules against this type of scam so if everyone would contact their local TV station, It may eventually shut these pigs down.

Advance, North Carolina

Company: Capital Choice Consumer Credit
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Miami
Address: 9590 NW 25 Street
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Capital Choice Consumer Credit
Capital Choice consumer credit platnium another RIP-OFF!

Capital choice consumer credit
Bullshit credit company Capital Choice Consumer Credit

Capital Choice Consumer Credit
Rip-off scam dirt bags tricked and lied to us dirty SOB's

Capital Choice consumer Credit
Capital CHoice sucks

Capital choice consumer credit
Sent me an offer for capital choice consumer credit platinum card, i payed a $43 fee to reciece it, and never did ripoff

Capital Choice Consumer Credit
Capital choice consumer credit ripoff

Capital choise consumer credit
Capital choice consumer credit capital choice consumer credit ripoff abused & mistreated ripoff off consumer fraud ripoff

Capital Choice Consumer Credit
Capital choice consumer credit ripoff Thanks

Capital Choice Consumer Credit
Ripoff Miami, FL 33172

Capital Choice Consumer Credit
Is a ripoff