Lynell Bennett Youngblood
Ripoff Substance Abuse Treatment, Fraud, Danger, Alcohol, Drug, Preying on Vulnerable, Elder Abuse, Conspiring, Dishonest, Nasty, Rehab, Theft, Corrupt

Education & Science

Working in treatment facility centers, I am ashamed to say that I believe my sister to be a danger to patients and their families. Not only due to her enjoyment of exploiting those in most need of help, in an attempt to make herself look better, but the extent she has proven she will go in order to keep that attention focused on herself. A chance for the spotlight oftentimes results in betrayal of the worst kind. Family members have always been regular targets; this time it is me. I have tried for several years to resolve a problem that has nearly cost me my life on several occasions. She refuses to return calls or even acknowledge me. Now, I am about to be left homeless. A person with no conscience has no business working in the field she does. Nor to even state that she had a drug or alcohol problem, when that is not true. The stories she tells come from patients. She receives attention by using them as her own. With the turnover as it is, no one knows this.

Nor do they know that Lynell Bennett Youngblood is involved with a group of people running an elder abuse, real estate theft, and insurance fraud operation. Please read reports under Mono Hot Springs and Secret Service. These are extremely dangerous people and there is no doubt in my mind, responsible for the deaths of our father and handicapped uncle. Knowing that I would be left Trustee of our family's estate, these people manipulated their way in behind my back, to befriend my siblings.By doing what Lynell specializes in, creating the chaos, they managed to destroy and take what our family worked lifetimes for. With everyone's focus misguided, no one looked their way or suspected anything. With the other 2 siblings at the core of most of this, Lynell was later recruited. United, their goal is now to finish what this group began many years ago. Leaving those at the core, appearing just as innocent of wrongdoing, as they have on previous "jobs."

They already knew how to handle each member of our family Lynell was made to feel important by giving her all the attention she ever dreamed of. Nothing is as empowering to her as this, making all attempts to get through, impossible, regardless of the cost - my life, this time. To tell her this only results in more exploiting. She claims I made all of this up and that I am crazy. I WAS "crazy" during the time I was being given foreign chemicals without my knowledge - rather than help, she and others kicked me aside as they shared their "expert assessments." Exploiting and the spotlight are what she thrives on. If I die tomorrow, it would only give her new material for the next episode of, Look at me and all I have endured - if I can make it, so can you.

I spent over 14 yrs as a caregiver to family. With expenses outweighing the income, the time had come to sell our family's estate my continued efforts to keep things running for family, which we could later divide or continue to run, I offered to mortgage my home under the condition that after my caregiving duties were over, I would be given a chance to get back on my feet. My siblings had contributed nothing they had nothing to lose. Knowing what they do, I asked that they sign off until that time came. No one was going to be cheated they could only gain by my proposal and efforts. Not only did I mortgage my home, I maxed out by credit cards, sold my stocks, started a small home business, and went back to school at night in hopes of getting a job I could work from home - all, while being a full-time caregiver. I worked harder than anyone could possibly imagine.

My siblings set me up. With their focus on getting what they were entitled to, as they considered money being spent on medical care a "waste", all the family belongings and heirlooms that had been set aside for later distribution were stolen and distributed among themselves as well as those who harmed my me and my family members when they were no longer able to protect themselves.By now, most of my belongings have been stolen and/or switched with crap look-alikes. With plans to have these 3 properties leveled, no one would the meantime, no one cares. I had no idea that my siblings had conspired with the tenants who caused all the hell over the years; money needed for medical necessities was being poured out for on-going damages and repairs. The group they are involved with, set out to take all 3 properties long ago my siblings have done everything they can to assist them in doing that. I was run off of 2, and ended up with a house that was stripped down to the frame, belongings switched with inferior/broken look-alikes, and a mortgage that I have no way to pay. The business I started was destroyed. On and on. Against all odds, as a result of what was done to me, I went on to uncover evidence that this has been done to others. Getting this information into the appropriate hands has been made near impossible due to the sabotaging. This is a huge operation.

It was a miracle to have gotten away from this group (at least temporarily) when I did only to find myself hated by every person I have ever known. Each and every person my siblings could find, going as far back as kindergarten, was contacted and severed from me. Everywhere I turn, I am treated with hate for reasons I am refused an answer. I am called a liar before I even speak. This is what my siblings did while turning their backs on our father and handicapped uncle. They are not about to explain themselves, return the bookkeeping, or allow me to seek damages in excess of 1.5 million dollars on behalf of the Trust, regardless that it would benefit all. (It appears they were already paid off.) Nor are they interested in having these people held accountable for what was done to our father and handicapped uncle. They have me pinned into a corner, unemployed, living in fear of my life. They never intended on signing off only seeing that my life was destroyed. 6 years living like a prisoner in my own home, after 14 spent as a caregiver. They are determined that I join the others who were targeted in the past. As I was told by one of their group, the time had finally come for me to meet his ex-wife # 2, in another world. He is forging her name and owns her property. (I found 3 women claiming to be her.)

I don't believe in hurting people or taking what others worked lifetimes for. I take responsibility for my actions so if what my siblings set me up for was legitimate, it would have been handled legitimately. This is due to the greed and hate they carry within themselves. Having me poisoned in order to make it appear the other way around, took the focus off of what would have otherwise been on them. Their years of neglecting family when they needed help. They managed to make themselves appear as victims, with me the horrible and evil woman. The sneaking, conspiring and secrecy continue, in order to keep the truth from being exposed. Keeping me from knowing my so-called "crime" keeps me unable to defend myself. Lynell is taking full advantage of this. And quite frankly, so is everyone else.

Theft and vandalism continue, with the last robbery carried out by Steve, who left little doubt of his connection to my siblings. He showed up on my doorstep after 13 years, claiming not to know anything. Before long, yelling at me that none of the vandalism I stated ever happened.insisting he knows more than I do because he was once a property manager. He insisted that the cement and buildings were not damaged and foundations cracked as a result of the excavating and switching of doors/windows/moldings, but due to the earth settling. (An a*hole would know better than that.) Anyone can see that these are not normal damages. To hear this man actually demand that he remembers the cracks in my sidewalk from 13 years ago was as pathetic as an excuse to call me a liar as I have heard yet. He was a guest here 13 years ago at a time he was in no condition to even remember his own name, let alone the cracks in my cement. Then he had the audacity to tell me I must not remember that so-and-so repaired my sewer vent - the one that was switched behind my back, proving that the sewer floods were caused by vandalism. As if he would even know?!? Or that I had a reason to repair what was never broken? When I told him I had pictures to prove when it was done, they were stolen. (Not all.) He got mad at himself for agreeing that the tile in my kitchen had obviously been replaced recently then tried to tell me I forgot that I had it done. This is the crap that he and others get by with, as long as I am kept isolated. It is all my siblings and most people need in order to justify what continues being done to me. Just prior to my computers, legal papers, etc. Being stolen and/or switched 3 weeks ago by this man, he had me print out a map for him arriving 3 blocks from Lynell's home in Stockton. Prior to that, I mentioned that he sounded as if he was a recording of them naturally, he denied any knowledge. No doubt my siblings believe that Steve robbed me in order to help them in their revenge for whatever they decided I was guilty reality, it is more of the, Creating the Chaos scenario. He let me know, with no uncertain terms, he had come to town on a mission that he anticipated would take no longer than 6 mos to complete. 4 have gone by. He also said he intended on owning my large white dog that he fell in love with. It turns out that he and the tenant next door are friends. All part of the same operation. It is this man's friend, who refused to take a lie-detector test that he did not alter or give our father pills, resulting in his death. (He was caught sneaking into our father's house multiple times. The amount of medication in our father's system, at the time of his death, never made sense since I took him for a blood test every week. The timing coincided with this man's panic and threats of killing me if I did not sign for another tow truck while reminding me he had killed in the past. Left with no choice, since my dad and handicapped uncle had no one else, he got what he was after and was then out of the picture. Or so it appeared.)

Anyone who would do this to their own family members would surely do it to others. This group preys on the elderly, vulnerable, handicapped, and those in need of help. The people Lynell is around at work give her a constant source to choose from. And with a cast comprised of every occupation imaginable, appearing to be just as honest as Lynell can initially appear, they are never suspected. Once they target their prey, there is no going back. Poisoned, filmed/humiliated with hidden cameras, credibility destroyed, all ties severed, pictures replaced with scanned/altered, computers networked, phones tapped, stripped of means of survival and transportation, robbed and discarded. Some identities are then used by someone else, as it was implied mine would be. Hence, the forgeries of others I uncovered. Lawsuits of one kind or another seem to be another common occurrence prior to departure.

I don't get another chance to take care of my father or handicapped uncle. They paid the ultimate price for what was done to me. The years I dedicated were spent being sabotaged and filled with one nightmare after another. The rug was pulled out from beneath me, by people whose only interest was in taking what my family worked lifetimes for. My family deserved more than this. No one had the right to harm, destroy, and take our lives. Rather than allow me the opportunity to prove what was done to us, my siblings' only focus is to continue discrediting me and covering all of this up. They don't want their participation to be revealed. They carried out our parents' worst fears, disregarded and disrespected everything that had been done in an effort to see that everyone was safe and taken care of.By having me poisoned and portrayed as something I am not, they even managed to enlist the help of our deceased parents' friends. Refusing to let go of me, they have made it impossible for me to survive this ordeal. It will go on to be carried out with other families. So before I leave the planet, I am leaving this information here.

People like this are everywhere including substance abuse treatment centers, a place where patients need to be able to trust. With access to personal information, which is how and where it all begins, that is why I believe Lynell to be a danger. As long as she refuses to be held accountable for her participation in this situation, she has no business going near these facilities let alone the patients.

More names to follow

Company: Lynell Bennett Youngblood
Country: USA
State: California
City: Stockton
Address: 3724 Wilmarth Road
Phone: 2099310595
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Secret Service
Secret service (jason in fresno, california office) conspiring in elder abuse, real estate theft, insurance fraud, sewer vandalism! Coverup! Solid evidence kicked aside and told, "this did not happen!"

Shari Garza - Garza Photography
Ripoff Despicable Treacherous Deceitful Immoral Disgraceful

Marilyn Roy Ferry
Evil, conniving, backstabbing, liar, despicable, ripoff

Wilbert G. Swieso, CLU, ChFC Aka: Inland Insurance, Inc
Wilbert G. Swieso, CLU, ChFC - Inland Insurance, Corrupt Insurance Agent, Fraudulent Legal Documents, Elder Abuse, Financial Predator, Unethical, Dange

Fresno Sewer Maintenance Division
Corruption, Organized Crime, Extortion, Sewer Vandalism, and Worse! Ripoff

City Of Fresno - Utility Department
Extortion, Cover-Up, Fraud ripoff

Mayor Alan Autry, City Of Fresno
Sewer Vandalism Cover-up! Behind Elder Abuse, Real Estate Theft, Insurance Fraud Operation Being Allowed to Continue

Jeffry C. Winslow Aka: Mono Hot Springs Resort
Real estate fraud multi-million/billion dollar (theft?) fraudulent legal documents, forgery, insurance fraud

City Of Fresno California
Municipal corruption, organized crime, terrorism, secret water diversion, suspected homicide

Attorney Steven Carter
Carter and sands attorney carter is responsible for creating emotional abuse, fraud, theft, kidnapping, elder abuse, asset theft and unnecessary staggering cost from the opposing side