Woodmen Of The World Life Insurance
Widespread discrimination ripoff

Education & Science

I lost my position as manager, so a relative of
an executive of the company could have a job. I finally quit. During my years there, they discriminated against blacks continuosly, wouldnt hire them or let them be a member of there so called fraternity, they gave us excuses to tell them.

There was a large lawsuit against them, they slapped their hands, but they are still at it. Just like someone else said a good ole-boy company, reps & buyers beware, they also taught us how to churn to make money, that is replace good policies with bad.

Attornies should contact clients and reps
throughout the U. S, to sue to eliminate the widespread discrimination and churning of policies.

Company: Woodmen Of The World Life Insurance
Country: USA
State: Nebraska
City: Omaha
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Woodmen Of The World Life Insurance Society
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